Joint Training

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Naruto's POV

I got up and saw Sinon brushing her teeth. She finished and waited for ME to brush my teeth. After I finished, she dragged me downstairs.

"I'm not from here," she said, "I'm from a different world more advanced than this. My world has different weapons and transport."

"What?" I asked.

She swiped the air and a white screen popped up and a black thing that looked like an L came out of nowhere.

"This is a gun," she explained, she led me outside and shot a rock. Bullseye. I gaped, it was super strong.

"Don't tell anyone," she said smiling at me.

"I promise," I said.

"Sinon!" said a voice. Sasuke-teme?!

"What are you doing?! You're not allowed to tell him!"

He knows?!

Sinon huffed, "Well I wanted to, is there a problem with that?"

"He'll tell!"

"No he won't!"

"Hey guys, why don't we keep it down," I said.

Us three got dressed and we saw Sai, that creepy dude all dressed. So the four of us headed out for town, we ate dangos for breakfast.

"When's Chimu exams?" asked Sasuke.

"Next week," I answer, "Who's competing in your team?"

"Me (of course), Sinon, and Suigetsu," Sasuke said.

He stands up. "Sinon, lets go."

She stands up and they start to leave.

"WAIT!" I said, "Let's have a joint training!"

Sinon shrugs while Sasuke glares.


Sinon's POV

"I can't believe you guys ate breakfast without me!" yelled Sakura at Team Kakashi's training grounds.

"Suck it bitch," I tell her.

She glared. Then she runs to Sasuke with those "tears". Kakashi is actually at the training grounds, he wants to see us fight.

"Sasuke v.s. Sakura, match starts... NOW!"

Sasuke charged and Sakura as well. Sakura stuck her fist out, but then, Sasuke stuck out a kunai. Before she could stop herself the kunai embedded itself in her fist. She screamed in surprise, taking this as an advantage, Sasuke used Chidori on her, just to shock her. She fell unconscious. I laughed. This was the Sakura Haruno, one of the most powerful kunoichi here! Kakashi just stared, wide-eyed.

"Winner: Sasuke!"

They both did the sign of reconciliation... sort of, while she was passed out.

"Next, Sinon v.s. Naruto, match starts... NOW!"

I leaped into the trees, good thing that Kakashi didn't have the Sharingan out. Naruto did shadow clones, so I threw a bomb. Naruto picked it up and it exploded in his face, wiping out all his clones, and leaving burns on his body. I took out shuriken and threw it, Naruto got up and dodged all but one in his shoulder. I went over to the lake and did some fake hand signs, but they probably couldn't even tell. "Water style: Giant Vortex Jutsu!" I yelled.

Kakashi's POV

That Sinon girl could do an A-rank jutsu?! How?! Those can take forever to master. Naruto was hit, struggling against the current, with no hesitation, Sinon did another jutsu.

"Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" she yelled, doing hand signs, (heh heh heh ._. ).

Now a B-rank jutsu! Naruto, escaping the vortex, is attacked by a dragon. It swallows him and puts him in the lake. Naruto jumped out of the water and did a shadow clone jutsu. He made the rasengan and charged. Sinon made some more hand signs "Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu!" she yelled, blocking the rasengan. "Water Style: Exploding Water Shock Wave Jutsu!" The new water, including the lake combined, washing Naruto into the forest and... us.

"RUN!" Sakura said, coming to.

"Match over!" I said. The waves subsided.

The forest was drenched, but the lake was normal again.

"I win!" Sinon said happily as she did the sign of reconciliation.

What the hell just happened? I thought.


The Hokage burst through the woods. "What's going on?!"

"We're just training," I said.

"What? But someone saw something like a tsunami, we almost thought it was Kisame of the Akatsuki," she explained.

The Hokage leaves.

"Yeesh, I almost got in trouble," Sinon said.

"Where's Suigetsu?" Sasuke asked.

Sinon shrugs.

"SUIGETSU!!!" Sasuke yells.

5 mins later...

"I'm here!" said the white-haired boy, probably named Suigetsu.

"Last, Suigetsu v.s. Sai, begins... NOW!"

Sai drew lions while Suigetsu headed for the lake. Ink splattered everywhere, Sai kept drawing while Suigetsu kept squishing. Then, Sai ran out of ink. Suigetsu cackled. But Sai had an ace up his sleeve. He had a picture of... a thunder cloud? The thunder cloud appeared and zapped Suigetsu. "GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" he yelled, "First Chidori, then a boiling hot pot, and now a lightning cloud?! Why am I so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrsed?!

"Winner: Sai!"

They did the sign of reconciliation.

I better keep an eye on the Sinon girl, she has potential.

Sakura's POV

How could Sasuke-kun hurt me so bad?! I mean, he's showing off his skills to me, but it would've been more gallant if he surrendered and confessed his eternal love to me. I glared, it's that teammate of his, Sinon! I won't forget last night. This is war!

Sinon's POV

Sakura has this... demonic aura around Sakura, she marches toward me and hisses, "This isn't over, this is war!"

Me: ._. ?


Thanks for reading, please review! I'm going to start on my next part now for my other story.

Oh and someone tell me how to put those emojis, I don't know how! RIP my life :(

Sorry there's a really bad pic, but I found a really good one, but it wouldn't upload, so I said, "Screw this!" and used that one.


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