Surprise Mode

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Sinon's POV


"NO!" Natsu cries from the bush.

I'm carrying Sakura and my back has a huge-ass cut on it.

"Aw shit! What the fuck?! This hurts like hell!" I cursed as I accidentally ran into...


"Naruto," whispers Sakura as he picks her up because I drop her on the water.

"Naruto," says Sasuke.

Natsu bursts from our former hiding spot.

"You okay, Sinon?!" he asks me.

"Yeah," I said.

"Sinon?!" Naruto exclaims.

"'Sup, Naruto," I said casually.

"You see, Naruto, Sakura? That is no longer the Sasuke we know, his intent to kill is real," Kakashi explained.

"Sasuke, Naruto is trying to save you!" Sakura explained.

"From what?" Sasuke bluntly asks.

"," Sakura says

"...From revenge," Naruto finishes, "I swear I'll save you."

"Naruto, I've told you, you don't have parents or siblings, so you wouldn't understand me. So outsiders can keep their mouths shut!"

Natsu lifted the back of my cloak and is checking the wound. Sasuke comes with a Chidori. Kakashi is about to come with his own Chidori, but a Naruto clone holds Kakashi back and Naruto tries to counterattack with a Rasengan. I have to stop the impact. I form a chidori in one hand, and Rasengan in the other. I shove my Rasengan to Sasuke's Chidori, and my Chidori to Naruto's Rasengan.

"Fuck," I said.

A light surrounds us.

"Sasuke, I'd always want to talk to you, but I'd get giddy," Naruto said, "I thought that you'd understand me, but I stopped and made you my rival. From then, you've been my goal, I'm glad I met you."

"Naruto, your words won't change me, I'm going to kill everyone in the Leaf including you!" Sasuke said.

"I'm not going to be the loser or hero who killed you!" Naruto said.

"Um, sorry, but am I intruding on this bromance?" I asked.

They both looked at me.

"HUH?! How'd you get here?!" Naruto asked.

"I counterattacked your attacks against each other," I replied drily.

And then vision disappeared. Then Naruto and Sasuke are blasted apart. Kakashi caught Naruto, and a Zetsu clone, Sasuke.

"Told you to go back to the village, Sasuke," Kakashi said.

Tobi/Obito appeared, "What's going on here? Nine-tails?"

"Sasuke, do you remember what you told me at Final Valley about high-level shinobi? Were you able to read my heart?" Naruto asked.

"What it it about you Naruto?" asked Sasuke, "Just what the hell do you want?! Why are you so fixated on me?!"

"Because you're my friend," interrupted Naruto.

Wind effect...

"Sinon," Natsu said, "is that a tail?"

"Huh?" I took off my cloak, I was wearing something different.

My ALO clothes. My wound was still bleeding, but covered in new clothing. I looked in the water.

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