And So It Begins

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Sinon's POV


I was reading a book in my room, when I saw a bomb that was about to fall off my desk. I tried to push it back with the tip of my index finger, but it passed right through. I gasped, scared. I waved my hand around desperately, smacking it against my pillow. It then went back to normal. I just sat there staring at my finger.

Flash forward...

I was carrying a cup of water, but then, my fingers went straight through the handle, but I caught the bottom of the cup with my other hand.

"Hn," Itachi said.

Oh fuck, I forgot he was in the room.

"H-hey," I said.

"You're disappearing," was all he said.

"Isn't that obvious?" I deadpanned.

"Hn," he replied.


I froze as I dropped a pencil, checking if my hand was going weird. It wasn't. I sighed in relief. I couldn't go back, not now. Naruto was sent somewhere with Killer Bee, the war started tomorrow. I kept my medical abilities secret because medical ninjas are prohibited on the front lines. I wonder where Sasuke will be.

The next day...

I was in Gaara's squad, and he said this inspiring speech, but I kinda zoned out. I was in the middle of battling zetsus.

"Don't let them touch you!" I yelled, as I charged with a sword in my cat mode.

Okay, I'm decent with a sword, but not all that good. I pulled out  bow and shot the far ranged zetsus. Then I pulled out some throwing picks.

"Everybody, look!" some dude yells.

I look, four guys, former Raikage, Tsuchikage, Mizukage, and Kazekage. A wave of golden... sand? Rushes forward but is counterattacked by Gaara's sand. Inspirational talk. Gaara's dad was sealed away. Our Tsuchikage took on the other Tsuchikage, Moo or something, I headed for the Raikage. Lightning speed... I copied the jutsu and we squared off. Then I sensed... Naruto. He came in with his new mode. Glowing yellow and stuff.

"Hey," I said, going into my GGO mode.

"Hey," he said, preparing a rasenshuriken.

He throws it, and it hits. The sealers try to wrap him up, but he breaks out again and goes for Naruto. Then this dude with a wooden eye patch. Who used this Lava Style Jutsu. I copied it, heh heh heh.... He used a decoy and Naruto started standing still, probably talking to somebody. I distracted Raikage. Damn he's fast. Naruto told everybody to leave, but I stay, because I'm cool. He makes a rasengan and charges. Oh, I see. It's for the-





Moo was being possessed by... ah. That presence. Kabuto.


Everybody else sweat dropped. Mizukage is down. Now all we have is...


Is that... Madara? Well, time for some copying! He talks to Moo/Kabuto and charges. Sorry, but... HE'S KICKING OUR SORRY ASSES! I charged.

"Eh..." I said with anime dread lines while dodging tons of bodies.

I start sparring with Madara. I turn on my Sharingan.

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