War, Death & Money

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Who knew I would end up in this situation.

I always had a normal, average life. I only wanted to live a peaceful, normal life and now I feel like I'm dying. As if all my energy and spirit is being drained from my body slowly. There's only darkness left.

What took me here? What brought me to this point? Has this always been my destiny? I don't think so.

When did my life change? When did my path change? I can't figure it out, the exact moment it happened, but I know everything started to change after that day. The day I met a Mythical for the first time.

I remember this day and all the others that came after vividly.  

It was the day of My first meeting with a Mythical. More importantly, my first meeting with one of the big five.

The big five were the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the country, if not the world, that have flourished when everything else went bad. 

For many years, scientists had warned the world about the risks and consequences of overusing nuclear power. However, in the last world war every country was determined to win and so the nuclear war was born. 

Despite only targeting one person at a time or affect small areas like grenades, the weapons used still had leaks of nuclear energy.     

When the war was over, both the soil and air were contaminated with radiation. Disease and death spread through the world.

More people died after the war ended than at the peak of the war. 

This, of course, was hundred years ago and despite the massive decline of the world population, as resilient beings, humans had once again survived its self-destruction. 

The big five were created then. They started developing medical treatments to cure or at least help the people infected with the radioactive diseases the war created.    

Even to this day, there are still people infected and in need of medicine to survive. This, of course, makes the happiness of the big five.

I wanted to help people as much as I could, especially my childhood friend who's also a victim of the war collateral damage. 

That's what brought me to work under Eleonor Smith, this amazing, intelligent woman who was able to make it to the top in one of the biggest biochemical companies of the country at a young age.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sweet yet strong female voice.

"Ready for your first meeting?" said Eleonor, from behind me.

I turned to face her with the most secure, but clearly insecure smile I could give her, "Hmm, yes. I think so."

"I hope you are, this is a very important client and an extremely important deal."

Thanks for the pressure! That's really helpful.    

Eleonor was my superior and tried to be as professional as she could. She took her job seriously making her sometimes come out as a cold and arrogant person. Some people used more offensive words to describe her, but I knew that in reality, she was caring and nice.     

I mean she did give me a job when I didn't have any experience whatsoever, saying that the company needed idealists like me. When I started working she helped me a lot, advised me and taught me everything I didn't know.

Today she trusts me, the youngest and less experienced person here, to present the compounds I found toa big client. I have to be extra good as a repayment for everything she has done for me.

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