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Seven days passed. I know it because I would have my blood drawn every day. Unlike the other prisoners, I have been fed properly. Captain Weirdo would bring me breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

I was starting to give up hope on anyone finding me. Emily was right. No one would come for me, even if they wanted to. I needed to take matters into my own hands and find a way to get out of here.

I was in a good place to act since I was fed and went upstairs every day, which means that in theory, I could find something that could help us get out of there. In reality, that was impossible as I was always tied to the restraining chair.

I could try to convince Eleonor to let me sit on the chair without being tied down, but she would never allow me to. She would see right through my plan and even if she didn't she would never leave me alone in that room.

This brings to my other plan: feeding Emily. We talked about it, but she was reluctant. I needed more time to convince her, however, I didn't know how much longer my body would keep up. Even though they fed me well, there's still so much food can do when you lose a considerable amount of blood every day.

I might start being anemic and once that happens I would not be able to give my blood to her and carry out the plan.

Then there's another problem: she might feel sick afterward like Adrian did, so I had to try figuring the best time for her to drink my blood. Based on my calculations the time was now.

"Emily, please do it."

"I told you I might kill you."

"And I told you, you won't. I trust you and your self-control."

I extended my arm through the bars and after a little hesitation, Emily grabbed it. She slowly approached her mouth to my wrist and pierced it with her fangs.

I felt my blood be slowly drained. As Emily tasted more and more blood, she sucked harder and harder. So hard that it hurt.

"Emily," I called, once I felt I was at my limit, but she didn't stop.

"EMILY!" I cried, and like a switch, she released my arm, letting it fall to the ground.

"I-I'm so sorry Lisa," she finally said as a mixture of shock, fear and regret covered her face.

"It's okay, you stopped." I smiled retrieving my arm from her cell. "Do you feel stronger?"

"A lot stronger. Thank you. Now, what should we do?"

"We wait. I'll sleep and recover and tomorrow after they take me we act."

"I'll wait until the henchman goes away to attack. I can't take him on alone, but I definitely can take that witch."

"Yes. But first, you should free the others. After you free me, I'll get the mermaid up here, so she can get all the water she needs."

"In the meantime, the werewolf should recover while he eats your food."

"Leftovers. I need to eat to recover too, otherwise, they'll know something is up. But even the leftovers should help."

"Yes. He won't be strong but at least he'll be strong enough to move."


"There's also a silver stake in one of the drawers up there. They used it to pin me down when they were draining my blood. You have to take it as protection before you leave that room."

I nodded in agreement. "We have a plan."

"And a good one for that matter. I actually believe we're going to pull this off."

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