Amazing, crazy night

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I woke up around two in the afternoon feeling like I have been run over by car, not really knowing how to pick myself up. 

It was so hard to move my legs as my body hasn't recovered from last night's extreme running. That, plus the soreness I felt in my abdomen, probably caused by being carried over Mr. Giant's shoulder, really made me want to spend the rest of the day in bed. Unfortunately, I had to meet Levy to discuss last night's events despite not having decided yet whether I should tell him everything or not.

I crawled out of bed to the bathroom to take a long relaxing shower. The hot water felt so good on my skin that I had a hard time getting out of the shower.

After the shower, I dressed up quickly with the first jeans I've found and a white silk V-neck blouse. I brushed my hair pulling it into a ponytail, put my white sneakers on and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat before leaving for the Order's headquarters.

I texted Levy letting him know that I was on my way and when I arrived at the Police Station he was already waiting for me outside.

He gave me a warm smile, probably still feeling bad for putting me in danger last night despite the hundreds of times I told him it wasn't his fault.

"Hey, Lisa. Feeling better?"

"Hey. Yes, I've completely recovered," I lied, not wanting to make him feel worse than he already did. "You?"

"I'm good. Let's get going then, I don't want to make the others wait for too long."

"We're not meeting here?"

"No, we decided to meet at our favorite bar, so we can all get some beers and relax a bit after the meeting. I think we all need that after last night's events."

We walked to Levy's motorcycle that was in the Police Station's underground parking lot. He gave me a helmet and as soon as he started the engine I put my arms around his waist afraid to lose balance.

"First time?" He chuckled.

"Oh no! I've been there, done that. I even have a biker tattoo to prove it." 

I could sense Levy laughing under his helmet and I couldn't help smiling too.

We rode for about fifteen minutes before we arrived at a small silent alley. We got out of the motorcycle and walked to a door which could pass almost unnoticeable. As Levy opened the door the sound of rock music and people chatting engulfed me. We entered and walked to the back of the bar where Olivia and Igor were chatting at an isolated round wooden table.

"Hi guys." I waved shyly at them.

They stood up to greet us, Igor greeted Levy with a pound hug and me with a silly hug while Olivia hugged Levy tightly and gave me a smile. We then sat at the table with them and Levy went to the bar to get beers for all of us.

As Olivia and Igor were resuming their conversation I started looking around the bar. The environment was really cool, the walls decorated with vintage metal signs and an old Singer sewing machine exposed in front of a chalkboard wall full of messages and drawings. My eyes were mesmerized by this place, no wonder it was their favorite bar.

Levy came back with the beers and made us all clink our glasses. I was not a big fan of beer, actually, I was not a big fan of alcohol in general as I didn't like its bitter flavor, but I have to say that this one tasted really good.

"So now that we have all we need let's start this official meeting," Levy said. "We three already discussed yesterday after taking you home and came to the conclusion that we probably have a snitch in the Order."

"She is not supposed to know that Levy. She's not one of us," Olivia snapped.

"Come on Ols, the poor girl was in danger last night, I think the least we could do is explain why we weren't able to protect her," Igor refuted, turning to give me a kind smile.

"Now we need to know exactly what happened to you," Levy continued. "You are the only person we know that has met the Brotherhood's leader and interacted with him directly. Basically, you're the only one here with new information."

"I don't know if I remember everything in detail, but I'll give my best," I replied.

I then started relating everything that happened: Running through the corridor after I blinded those two vampires, getting out of the hideout and running in the dark forest trying to go back to the cars, and finally getting caught by Mr. Giant and transported to the unknown open area.

"...And then I heard a car. I thought for a moment that it was one of you, but then the leader came out of it and told me to get in the car. I did as he told me and a few moments later he got into the car again and started driving."

"Did he say anything?" Levy asked.

"He just explained to me the purpose of the Brotherhood and assured me that they wouldn't hurt you, that they only wanted to send a message."

"They could have written it in a paper, Hey, we're watching you, we know all of your moves because one of you is a freaking snitch!" Igor said clearly annoyed. "At least it wouldn't have hurt my pride."

"Don't be a baby Igor." Olivia chuckled, and I couldn't help to giggle too as Levy just shacked his head.

She then turned to face me. "Why did he take you out of there? Do you know him? Are you the snitch?"

"Take it easy on the girl Ols," Igor defended me.

"No. I do not know him and I'm certainly not a snitch," I said seriously annoyed by her tone. "He told me that I just had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and well since they don't hurt innocent people he took me away from all of that."

"What did he look like?" Levy asked.

"I-, I didn't see his face," I lied. I don't know why. The words just came out of my mouth. "He was wearing a helmet."

"A helmet? While driving a car? Do you think we will actually believe that?! Why would he wear a helmet?" Olivia snapped.

"Well, I have asked him the same question since like you, I found it was ridiculous. He told me that it was to hide his identity and protect his head from silver bullets."

"In that case, he is either a vampire or a werewolf," Levy commented.

"How are you so sure?"

"If he was any other creature he wouldn't say specifically silver bullets as if it was the only thing that could hurt his head."

Did I just reveal too much without knowing?

"Well, at least now we know that we can finally eliminate some suspects," Olivia stated.

After that, the meeting was officially over, and the party was starting according to Igor. We drank a few beers, talked about random things and laughed, a lot, it was great.

Igor pestered Olivia until she accepted to dance with him. He was showing everyone his awkward dance moves, or, as he said, his "Amazing-crazy dance moves!". Olivia kept dancing despite the embarrassment her friend was while Levy and I were sitting at the table looking at them also laughing.

Levy turned to face me with a smile on his face. "Do you want to dance with me?"

I looked at him surprised, not knowing how to react to that offer.

"I swear I don't have amazing-crazy dance moves like Igor. Just the average, normal, not embarrassing moves." He chuckled.

"That's a relief. I was starting to think how to reject your offer without hurting your pride," I said putting a hand on my chest.

I took his hand and joined the others on the dance floor. Levy put his hand on my waist and we started dancing to the old rock song that was playing. In the middle of our dance, I saw Olivia looking at us with a strange expression on her face, but she soon started laughing again when Igor showed her a new dance move.

Like Igor said later, it was an "Amazing, crazy night!".

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