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The doctors have been running a bunch of tests on Violet, so I wasn't allowed to visit her until today. Three days have passed, and I knew exactly what I had to do.

Levy and the others harassed me with texts and calls after my sudden silence until I told them what happened. 

They were very supportive, asking me if I wanted to hang out to distract myself or if I needed anything. Even Olivia has asked if I wanted her or someone to accompany me to the hospital, and I know I'm not her favourite person in the world, even though I don't know why.

I respectfully declined the offers as I knew I needed to go alone to do what I had planned.

I left to work as I would any other day. When I've arrived at my research Lab, I started analysing all the data I had about Violet and her disease, trying to see if I had missed something before.

Around four in the afternoon I got a call from the hospital saying that I finally could visit my friend. Thankfully, I was the only one in the Lab at that time, so before leaving I grabbed blood collection tubes and put them in a small medical cool box.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I felt sick. I hated hospitals, the scent of disinfectant, and the noises of people suffering and dying, everything is unpleasant and sinister.

Violet was staying in a single room equipped with the most advanced technology. Knowing that she was receiving the best treatment available took a small part of the weight I was holding off my shoulders.

However, when I saw her motionless body laid on the capsule bed, my knees felt weak, trembling as I fought to move closer to her.

I caressed her pale forehead softly, afraid to disturb her peaceful sleep.

"I'm so sorry V," I whispered, feeling my eyes fill up with tears.

I sighed and went searching the drawers and cabinets in the room, hoping to find the material I needed.

Got it!

I sat on the chair next to Violet and grabbed the first blood collection tube from the cool box and prepared the rest of the material. I cleaned her skin and placed the tourniquet on her upper arm. I inserted carefully the needle into her vein, trying to succeed at the first attempt.

Once I finished, I placed the tubes back in the medical cool box and throw the needle and tube holder on the appropriate disposal container.

I sat again next to her and took her cold hand, brushing it with my thumb. They say that people in a coma might hear you, so I decided to talk to her before I left.

"I'm really sorry about everything V, but don't worry, we are working on it. We will find what's wrong with you, and we will find a way to wake you up. Just keep fighting, please... Give us more time. I-"

I almost jumped out of my seat as I heard a tremendous noise coming from the street outside. I went to look out of the window to see what was all the commotion and saw a car that crashed into a lamp post and dozens of people running down the street screaming. 

I looked closely and saw that some of them were running in a weird way, almost as they hadn't full control of their bodies. If they weren't so fast I would dare to say they looked like the zombies we see in movies. I'll just call them Weirdos for practical reasons.

I was about to look up the street to try to see why they were running when I saw one of the Weirdos jumping on another person. They both fall and quickly three other Weirdos joined him and were know over them.

My eyes widened, and I unconsciously put a hand over my mouth as I saw the four Weirdos rise and leave a dead body, or should I say the remains of a body on the street. I quickly closed Violet's capsule security glass, grabbed my things and left the room.

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