Not tonight Sir

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We stood there still. No one was moving. Everyone waiting to see who would make the first move. I didn't know my opponent's abilities, so I sure wasn't attacking first.

After a few seconds, he let out a sigh and lunged at me. I dodged him, as I took my dagger out and made a cut on his arm. He turned around with a smirk on his face that matched mine. However, my confident smile disappeared as I saw that his wound had vanished.

We kept going on this way for a while. I would cut him, and he would heal faster than I could see.

It was useless. I was useless.

I was starting to get tired. The only viable option was going for the kill, going for the heart.

For the first time, I took control and attacked him before he could attack me. He wasn't expecting it, so I manage to stab him.

He let out a groan and painfully pulled out the dagger lodged in his body, throwing it on the ground. He took a deep breath and shifted his head to look at me with his eyes full of danger.

I missed my chance.

I quickly kneeled to grab my second dagger and got back to my fighting stance. I noticed that this time the wound was taking longer to heal, so I figured that the closer I got to the heart the higher the chances of me getting the upper hand.

He lunged at me again, but this time he was faster. I couldn't dodge him, and he punched me in the stomach, making me fly a few meters and hitting the brick wall behind me.

I coughed blood. I was on sitting on the floor, against the wall, trying to forget the pain I felt.

"Did you really think you could get me?" he spat. Every single word full of venom. "I let my guard down. I thought you were just a little human. A Tiny, weak, and pathetic little human."

"I-I guess you were wrong."

He chuckled. "Not completely. Look at you now. You. Look. Pathetic."

I got up ready to face him again.

"You're courageous, I'll give you that. Now, I'm sorry, but I need to finish this fun party."

He started walking towards me slowly. His eyes bored into mine as if I was his prey. Then he stopped as the two other Weirdos screamed.

We both turned our heads simultaneously to see what was going on and I felt relief filling my body.

The two Weirdos were laying on the ground. Dead. Next to their bodies Adrian and Levy. Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming quickly from the other side of the street. I looked at it and saw Olivia, Igor, and Taelia.

My eyes went back to the Weirdo in front of me. He stood there, glaring at me as if he was contemplating whether he should finish me or not.

"Hunters Order! You're under arrest! Put your hands up and kneel or we- " Levy was cut by the sound of rocks cracking.

I felt as if a strong energy field spread from the Weirdo in front of me, but when I looked at him I saw nothing. He just vanished.

We all stood there with a stupid look on our faces, not understanding what just happened.

Adrian was suddenly beside me supporting my body and I quickly thought of my frightened friend.

I turned around and start walking towards Eleonor.

"Are you okay Eleonor?"

She nodded and hugged me. "We need to get you to the hospital, Lisa. He literally beat you up badly."

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