Better Safe than Sorry

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I remember like it was yesterday. Well, it was actually yestrday.

I woke up early to go to the Order H.Q. before work. Once I got there I was greeted by a petite young woman.

Her short black hair contrasted with her fair skin that looked like porcelain. She was definitely a Mythical and her pointy ears told me she was a fairy.

She led the way and I followed. I was distracted looking at her back, trying to see a sign of her wings, when she suddenly stopped, and I bumped into her.


She glared at me and knocked on the door in front of us.

I have been so distracted that I didn't realize we were in the office space of the Order. I glanced over the room that was filled with people sitting at their desks, doing whatever they had to do, and saw Igor scowling at his computer screen.

It was funny to see the hyperactive ogre so focused and I wondered what he was looking at. My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and heard a crystalline voice.

"I brought you the newest member," the fairy said apathetically.

"Thank you Taelia," Olivia said. "Come on in Lisa. Have a seat."

I entered the room that, unlike the rest of the H.Q. was quite cozy. I sat on one of the armchairs in front of Levy and another man I didn't know, and Olivia sat next to me.

I greeted everyone, and we started talking about the contract. I was more than happy with the conditions proposed.

Every day, from six pm to seven p.m. I had to be available to help Levy and his team as a consultant. I don't have to come to the headquarters daily, but I must be available if needed.

I would receive a small wage for my services and an access card to the H.Q. Other than that, I can't speak of the details of the investigations with anyone except the members of my team.

I signed the contract and became an official member of the Hunters Order.

Before leaving, Levy told me to go to the usual bar at night to celebrate and meet the rest of the team.

After saying goodbye, I left the headquarters and went to work.

As soon as I got out of work I texted Adrian to know how he was feeling. He has been feeling sick since yesterday. He had a fever and threw up a few times, which is weird for a vampire.

We've been talking about it and we think it might have been caused by my blood.

We can't be sure of anything because there are no reports on vampires drinking hunter's blood, but we figured out that if it makes the vampire stronger it can also have a negative impact.

The way Adrian's body was reacting yesterday was as if it was rejecting my blood or something, like when you eat something bad.

Maybe it was a way to balance things out. He drinks my blood, gets stronger and then gets sick as a payment for the previous strength.

Or maybe it's just that his body was not used to that strength and was having a hard time recovering.

Or maybe it was withdrawal symptoms like people have when the substance is their addicted to, is removed.

The point is, we have a lot of theories.

He was feeling better and has been waiting for his blood supplier to see if drinking normal blood would help. I asked if he wanted company, but he told me he'd rather be alone.

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