We have a deal

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"Were you born before the last war?" I asked Adrian

He turned around to face me. "Yes. Actually, in human age, I was around 19 years old when the war started."

"Did you know a lot of vampires back then?"

"Kind of, yes. You see, at that time people would basically only socialize with those of their kind. It's weird to say this, but the war created the peace. If it wasn't for the war the hunters would still hunt us and the Mythicals would still fight each other."

"I've never thought of that. Do you still talk to those vampires?

"Some of them, yes."

"Do you know if they got sick from the war? If they suffered any health effects of the war?"

"No, not that I know of. I've never heard of a vampire sick with any radioactive disease. Why?"

"I've just been thinking. Would you mind giving me your blood?" I burst out.

Smooth Lisa, now you just sound like a psycho.

"What? Why?"

"Like you, I've never heard of a vampire infected with one of the radioactive diseases. Actually, I've never heard of a vampire being sick," I started. "So, I was thinking that maybe there's something in your blood or genetics that makes you resistant, and if that's the case, maybe the solution for our problems and the answer to our questions lies within it."

"I've never thought of that."

"Yeah, me neither until now."

"I wonder why anyone hasn't thought about that before."

"Maybe they did and figured out that it didn't work," I eventually said, feeling suddenly depressed.

"Or maybe not, and you are actually a genius who's going to save lives," he said, trying to cheer me up. "Just give it a try, there's nothing to lose."

"Yeah." I smiled. "So can you give me your blood? In exchange, I'll help you and the Brotherhood."

"You'll help us investigate your company and co-workers?"

I nodded, "Yes! I promise. I have access to every information and results of every research that is conducted in the company. Well, almost every information, there are some research programs that are classified and only researchers of the program and their superiors have access to it, but I can try and I'm sure I can at least access the classified research programs of my department if I ask Eleonor. She will give me the access code, I'm sure of it."

"Great, we have a deal." He extended his hand to me.

I shook it, "Deal." I smiled, looking him in the eyes. "I was still going to help you even if you didn't give me your blood."

"Well, I was still going to give you my blood even if you didn't help me." He grinned.

I threw a cushion in his face and started to laugh when I saw the surprised look on his face. Clearly, he wasn't expecting that, otherwise, he would have easily dodged the cushion.

We spent the rest of the night, or should I say dawn, talking about everything and anything. We talked about how life was before the war, how he started his company, how he created the Brotherhood and recruited its members, and what kind of 'jobs' they do.

Apparently, what he had told me, the night of my mission with Levy, and what I found during my research, was only the soft part of what they really do. The Brotherhood was not only stealing from unethical companies and exposing the truth about them, but also actively attacking certain sites and people physically.

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