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The Hales

The Hales

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"Come on Madison we're going to be late!" My mum shouted from downstairs.

My name is Madison Page. I am 26 years old. Right now, my mum said that we are going to visit the Hale family. They are very good friends with my mum and dad, they have known each other since they were born. I haven't seen them in years though. The last time, I think, I saw them was when I was 16 years old. I remember Talia Hale, her daughter Laura and her son Derek. Laura and Derek are both younger than me. She is 20 and he is 16. Talia also had a brother, Peter, he would be the same age as me, 26.

Me, Derek and Peter were best friends, they were like my brothers. I don't know want happened, but we got disconnected, but now I will see them again!

My mom's name is Ashley Page, she is 47 years old. My dad's name is Kaidan Page, he is 48 years old. They have been married for 25 years, after I was born.

Rushing down the stairs, I said "Sorry Mum, I was fixing my hair, we can go now." I grabbed my and my dad's jacket and handed it to him, Mum already had her jacket, and walking out the door.

"Shotgun!" Shouting, I ran towards the car.

"Don't you dare, I don't want to die on the way there." My dad said opening the door to the driver's seat while my mum sat in the passenger's seat.

Great, back seats for me!

Climbing into the back seat, I ask my mum a question "Mum, you still haven't told me why we got disconnected from the Hales. I didn't even see them in school."

Signing, my mum answered, "It is hard to explain dear, but it was for a good reason."

"And what is that reason?" I asked wanting to know why I didn't see my best friends for years.

"I'm sorry dear, I cannnot tell you just yet." she said.

I gave up and leaned back into the seat waiting for the ride to finish.


Dad parked the car in the Hale house drive way and got out. Me and my mum did the same. As we walked up to the house, I remembered how much missed this house. It is huge and beautiful, and the best thing is that it is in the middle of the woods so there will be no robbers!

"Kaidan, Ashley and Madison nice to see you again." Talia said appearing by the front door of the house.

"Talia!" My mum, Ashley, said running up to Talia and tackled her in a hug.

After they finish hugging, my dad gave Talia a small one.

"We have a lot to catch up on. Derek, Laura and Peter are upstairs, Madison, why don't you talk to them while I talk to your parents?"

"Sure." I walk inside and ran up the stairs. Once I was at the top someone ran up to me and hugged me.

"Laura?" I asked.

"Yeah it's me." she said. She pulled away "It has been so long, how are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm so happy to see you, where is Derek and Peter?"

"Oh. Follow me" she said taking my hand and dragging me into a room. I looked around to see we were in a bedroom. I saw Derek and Peter sitting on the bed, talking.

"Derek, Peter!" I shouted running up to them. Derek jumped up from the bed and have me a bone crushing hug.

"D-Derek...can't...breathe" I choked out. Derek, quickly, released me, his hand on my shoulder.

"God, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He rushed out. I laughed and nodded.

I looked behind Derek and saw Peter standing there looking at me. It feels like I had known him much longer then I have.

I walked around Derek and stood in front of Peter. I wrapped my arms around Peter's neck and hugged him. I felt his arms snake around my waist and hug me back.

"It is nice to see you again." I whispered into his shoulder.

"You too." he replied.

I pulled away from Peter and looked into his blue eyes. It feels like I have seen those every day. I was ripped out of my weird day dreams by Laura's voice.

"Oh, hey Madison, I wanted to show you something. It is a little bit of a walk, but it is worth it." She said grabbing my hand.

"Can the guys come?" I asked.

"Er...Yeah sure," she says letting go of my hand and running off, Derek followed her.

I looked up to see Peter with his hand extended for me to take. I smiled and put my hand in his. We ran out of the house to follow the two Hales.

With our hands still intertwined.

Madison // Peter HaleWhere stories live. Discover now