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Kamden Black

Kamden Black

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Madison's POV

As my eyes opened I was met by rays of sunlight. I had to close my eyes at the sudden light, but I opened them once again and glanced around the bedroom. Wait, this not my bedroom! I panicked and sat up in bed only to be pulled down again. I looked at my waist and saw an arm have a tight hold of it. I looked to my left to see a sleeping Peter. Damn, he is adorable when he is asleep. I smiled a little only to have it knocked off when I remember the events of last night. I was hoping that was a dream, but of course when there is a dream you want true it's never becomes true.

I have always dreamed about being in love with someone. I'm 26 years old and I have never been in love, well I have but I was young, and I didn't understand love properly. I always say that I'm waiting for the right person. I looked over a Peter again. I could date Peter, he is funny, clever and beyond hot. He always finds a way to make me smile. Then, for some reason, I remembered the fun time we had in the basement. God! That sounded a little dirty! Well it was dusty down there. Ew, even that sounds dirty! Ok, I was remembering the time we nearly kissed. Honestly, thinking about it makes my heartbeat quicken.

Then I had the ruin the moment by thinking about the crazy ass crap that happen last night. The bit I remember the most was Peter changing into a... werewolf? I want to say werewolf. Anyway, I reached my hand and put is where his sideburns would be if he was all wolfy and then I moved it to the bridge of his nose.

"What are you doing?"

I let out a little squeal and moved my hand away. He slowly opened his eyes to look at me.

I awkwardly cleared my throat "I-I'm sorry. I just want to see were your sideburns come out and the top of your nose. Why does it do that? What happens if they go to long, the sideburns? Do you go to a werewolf barbershop? You should shape them into different things like you name, 'Badass Hale' or-" I was cut off but Peter putting his hand over my mouth.

"Please be quite." he laughed.

I laughed as well but it was muted by Peter's hand. Slowly, he removed it and put it on my cheek.

"Are you okay? How are you handing all of this?"

"I'm fine, but the fact that you're a werewolf and I'm something that changes in a wolf/fox, is pretty cool." I smiled.

"You know, you are the first person who hasn't freaked out."

"Oh, at first I was. Do you know how many times I was in pain last night? You know, the time I woke up in the middle of the night with the feeling that my head is about to explode, and then have your back broken multiple times, then you get shot with an arrow, then get hit by a chair, then have your back pop into place, then have the arrow ripped out, last but not least, well it was least because I fell asleep, have my finger cut on a claw of a werewolf."

"Well...yeah. You're okay now. Do you want to go down stairs and get sometimes to eat?" He asked while sitting up.

I joined him "Yeah, sure."

As we were making are way down stairs we could see some blood on the floor. Me and Peter shared a worried look and followed the blood trail.

We kept on following it until we arrived in the kitchen. I looked around the room to see Taila, Uncle Deuc, Mum and Dan kneeling down by a bloodily body.

I walked forward to see who it was. As I did I let out a gasp and I had tears form in my eyes. On the floor in front of me was my cousin, Uncle Deuc's daughter, Kamden Black. She is only 10-years-old. She has beautiful red hair, but what I loved the most about her was her eyes. One was a nice dark blue and the other was a dark red.

Everyone must have heard me gasp because they turned to face me.

"Is she okay? Why is she covered in blood?" I asked shakily.

"It's okay, Madi. She is okay, she is healing. The hunter you and Uncle came across had shot her with some bullets filled with a flower that is poisoning to werewolves, it's called wolfsbane. We have removed it from her body, but it will take some time for her to wake up." Talia explained.

I sighed a breath of relief, "Thank God."

"Kamden will wake up in time, but now I think we all need to talk." my mum said

"All that needs explaining is what am I? I know all you guys are werewolves, but Peter said he didn't know what I was."

"Me and your mother know. Yes, nearly all of us are werewolves but I'm not. I'm want you call a kitsune, my eyes glow orange. Your mother is a coyote, her eyes dark blue. Your eyes have both of those colours, but because your eyes are bluer than orange means you are more coyote than kitsune. You are still a kitsune but not as powerful."

Madison // Peter HaleWhere stories live. Discover now