Pain and suprise

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Peter/Spider-Man's POV

I was walking down an alleyway, taking a shortcut to school. I didn't want to run into Flash on my way to school. I just wasn't in the mood for anything. MJ left for another school, and I don't want to talk about what happened to Gwen. Harry turned into the Green Goblin and killed her, so he's not here either. I have no one anymore. It's just me, myself, and I.

I neared the end of the ally way, seeing the school straight ahead when all of a sudden my Spidey-Sense tingled. I stopped mid-stride and turned around. But all there was was a little fly. "So it's gonna be one of those days huh?" I said out loud. Ever since I got bitten by the spider, my senses have been dialed to eleven. And some days it's at fifteen.

As I walked out of the ally way, I immediately regretted it. The sun was so bright and blaring that my eyes felt like they were burning. I swiftly ran to the entrance, trying to get out of the light. As soon as I got inside, my eyes felt much better, but they still hurt, for all the lights in the hallway were new and really bright. God, I hated today.

~Time skip to lunch~

I sat down at an empty table, where I knew no one would sit at, and set my food aside to get into my backpack. I pulled out my homework and tried to concentrate, but it was no good. All of the conversations were driving me crazy.  I could literally hear EVERYONE'S conversations. They were so loud that I started to feel sick. It was like when the music is too loud and your stomach feels uncomfortable from all the vibrations. Except its five times worse. I put my pencil down and ran into the restroom.

-in the restroom-

I got on my knees and started puking in the toilet. "I hate today," I said, puking into the toilet more. I'm soooo looking forward to going home. Even though I love school, and all my classes, I can't enjoy something when my head's throbbing and stomach aching. All the lights are making my eyes burn, all the conversations are making my stomach hurt, and the smell is just awful.

Right on queue, in the midst of my suffering, my Spidey-Sense goes off and I dodge a punch from behind. "Damn, I missed," Flash said, with a devilish smile on his face. "Great, another problem," I said so quietly that Flash couldn't hear me. "Sup, Parker? What are you doing in here? Wallowing in self-pity 'cause of your uselessness?" He scoffed, trying to offend me, which kinda worked, but I come back and snapped, "If I'm so useless, then why do I do your homework?" Which makes him angry and he grabs me by the collar and pulls me up off the ground. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, PENIS-PARKER?!" He yells. Causing me extreme pain and making me whimper, which I think gave him the wrong impression, because he lets me go and walks off with confidence.My head hurt so bad and I wasn't feeling good at all, so I decided to go to the nurse and ask to go home, which she lets me do. I can't wait to be in the comfort of my room. Isolated.

-In Peter's room-

"Finally!" I yell, hurting my own ears, I go and dig for my mask, and when I find it I put it on and close my eyes, laying on my bed. "Peace and quiet..." I whisper, slowly falling asleep in the isolation of my room.Right when I was about to fall into a deep sleep, I got a call from Mr. Stark. "Hello?" I ask tiredly.  "Hey kid, I need you to come to the towers for me. I need your help with something." He says, which makes me jump off my bed and fall on the floor. "Really?!" I was so overjoyed that I forgot my pain for a second before my Aunt May yelled at me. "Peter, what has that?" She called. I winced, yelling back "Nothing just fell off my bed!" I went back to the phone, "So you want me to come to Stark Tower?" I asked Mr. Stark. "Yes that's right, be there in 30 minutes!" He said, hanging up the phone. As soon as he did that, I put on the rest of my suit and headed out.

-at the tower-

Mr. Stark said then whenever he asks me to come over, that I have to go to the roof, so when I got there he was already waiting for me. "Sup kid? How've ya been?" He asks. "Besides complete and total agony, everything great!" I say with more attitude then I would have liked. He just stares at me, and then I realize that I was a little rude. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I'm not having a great day." I apologize."It's fine kid. Now come with me, there is a reason I brought you here after all." He states, putting a hand on my back, heading me inside. When we walk in I can't help but have mixed emotions. Everything is so amazing. My whole house could fit in one room, but it's so bright that and noisy that my head starts to throb again. The mask is the only thing that's keeping me from passing out. "Why don't you take off the mask kid? It's not like your hiding your identity here." He says. "I just like it on. Calms me, y'know?" I play off my pain, which doesn't really work well, cause Mr. Stark gives me a disbelieving look, but doesn't go any farther with the situation. He just continues walking down into a lab."Where is this?" I ask, amazed with all the cool tech and chemicals and stuff here. "This, kid, is my lab. Pretty neat huh?" He asks, but all I'm able to get out is an enthusiastic nod. "Come on, kid, we don't exactly have all day here." He gestures for me to follow him and I quickly do so. "Where are we going, Mr. Stark?" I ask curiously. "To meet with some people." He says simply. "Okay?" I say. After that, we just keep walking, until we get to a door, which he opens and I find myself face to face with all of the Avengers, and some others as well.

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