Chapter 8

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Peters POV

" let me show you to your room." Mr.stark says, leading me to the elevator. "Housing floor please Friday!" He speaks to He female AI. "Of course sir." A women's voice with a British accent speaks and startled me a little. It was very loud, even when my senses are at FREAKING 15, I hurts. I wince, and me.stark notices. "You alright peter?" He asks. "I'm fine. It was just a bit loud. You know, with super senses and stuff." I smile at him.when I say that something clicked in his mind.

"OH! I forgot, I have something for you!" He says, digging into his pockets for something. He pulls out two things. A glasses case and a pair of hearing aids. "These are for you." He hands them to me and I just look at them. Really confused. I look up at him. "Haha. It's for your senses peter. I thought that it must be bad for you having those days where your senses are out of control. So I made these hearing aids so you can tune out certain distances and these glasses that dim the lights with out the lenses changing color, so it won't look weird when you're indoors." He says. I'm shocked. I didn't think he would care that much. "Thanks! I'll make sure to use them." I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Then the doors opened.

There was a hallway. Really long and had multiple doors. The hallway had turns and stuff,and we started walking down and then we turned left. "Here is your room. We went ahead and put a spider on it, so you knew it was yours." He said. "Thank you Mr.Stark." I said. When I said that a frown appeared on his face. "It's weird for you to call your new parent mr. call me dad, and call Steve pops. He likes that." He says. Its awkward calling them dad and pop, but I guess I can try. "Will do... dad." He smiled. "Good night peter." He said. Then he started walking in the other direction." I open the door to reveal a large room. It was ginormous. It was twice the size of my room at HOMES. I stood in awe for a second, but the shook my head. I walk in and put my box down on the desk The was right next to my door. I walk around, seeing my dresser next to my bed, which is the farthest thing from my door. On the other side of my door is a wall of glass. This was a very high floor, so the view was amazing. But the thing is, there were to many windows. Whenever the sun comes in, it will be extremely bright. I guessing that's why I'll have these glasses mr stark gave me. There are also curtains that cover the windows, I'm  happy about that.

I head over to the two doors as find that one it the closet door, with a few cloths inside, and one is the bathroom door. The bathroom was average. There was a toilet, a bath, and a shower inside the bath. The sink was right in front of the toilet, and there was a small towel hanging next to it. Under the sink was a cabinet, and inside where a bunch of towels and a box of razors.

I walk out and sit on the bed. I'm tired from today, so I just fall asleep in my clothes.


I jumped awake. I was sweating and panting from a bad dream. I dreamt of everyone that died because of me. First uncle Ben, then mr.Stacy, then Gwen, and finally aunt may. She was the only one I had left, and I let her die too. I look at to my side to see my Alan clock, but it's not there. I forgot that it was still in my box. "Uuuuh, FIDAY, what time is it?" I ask, looking at the ceiling. "It is 6:30 am sir." He responds.

School starts in 2hrs. And from stark tower it's a 30 minutes walk. Which means I have an 1 1/2 hours to do stuff. If I leave early I could wait outside the school and do homework or something...... so that leaves me one hour now. What am I supposed to do? I could go to the gym and work out? That seems good.

I get out of bed and change into some new clothes from my closet. The most casual ones I could find were a pair of blue jeans and a red and blue hoodie. I quickly change and head out of my room. I walk to the elevator and tell FRIDAY to bring me to the gym. The elevator starts and I soon arrive at the gym. The doors open and the first thing I see I steve, or pop. I stops punching the punching bag and looks at me. Sweat dripping down his face.

"Hey. Your up early." He says. "Yeah I woke up earlier then I usually do. School stats at 8:30, so I thought I get a morning workout to pass the time by." I explain. He smiles. "Well you can join me. Want to spare?" He asks. I smile at the thought of fighting THE CAPTAIN AMERICA. I try and keep my cool. "Sure!"

We walk over to the sparing mat, and I role up my sleeves. "Should I take off my web shooters or no? You know, to make it as fair as a fight as possible." I ask. "Sure if you want." He responds. I take off my web shooters and place them next to the sparing may and I crouch down into my usual spider pose. He spreads his legs a little and brings his hands up to his face. " who makes the first move?" I ask. " I will." He says. After about the seconds, he charges at me and throughs a punch at me. I dodge and swing my leg under him making him grub and fall. But as fast as he fell he got back up and through another punch. Mg Spidey sense went off and I dodged his fist, the at the same time dodged a kick from below. He kept hitting and I kept dodging, the finally I found an opening, I bent down and acted like I was gonna kick him, which caused him to move him foot, but the I sprang up and picked him in the stomach. Hard. He went back a few steps and held his stomach in him arms for a few seconds. "Sir, it's 7:30. If you want to leave early, you may want to leave now." FRIDAY informs me.

"Well ca-pops, I think we leave it here for now and say I won!" I smile at him. He laughs and recovers from the punch. "Yes let's do that! I haven't had anyone punch me like that in a long time! You got talent peter." He says. We both laugh and I head back to my room to get my stuff. I grab my pack pack and head back to the elevator. On my way though, I saw Bucky walk out of his room. I stop for a second when he sees me, but then I start walking again. "H-hey. What's up?" I say. We both start heading towards the elevator. "Hey." Is all he said. It was just silence until we got in the elevator. "Why were you staring at me yesterday?" He suddenly asks. "Huh?
Oh, that? I told didn't I? You just looked like someone I saw once." I say. "You couldn't be staring at me if I just looked like someone you saw ONCE. Unless that someone has some importance?" He asks. I sigh. Dang it. "Well, it's just that there was this dude who robbed a cashier once, and I didn't stop him because I was mad, I I ended up regretting it because he then shot and killed my uncle. And you looked some what him. I mean I know your not. He had blonde hair and a... no offense, REAL left arm. But he had the same hair length as you and had a star on him left arm. Different places, but sorta the same. He also looked like you with sunglasses on. So yea.... that's why." I averted my eyes. He just looked at me for a second. This is awkward. "I- " He was about to start something when the elevator door dinged, meaning it was his stop. He looked at me and then walked out. Leaving me by myself. The elevator brought me down and I walked to school.

-time skip to him sitting in his desk at school-

I'm sitting there drawing writing in my notebook. Correcting some mistakes I had in some of my equations. "Everyone, may I have you attention! We have a new student! Wade, please come up." Our teacher says.

I'm making wade not have all of his scars and stuff. But he's still crazy and has his healing factor. He's just hot. And he is still Deadpool.

I look up from my notebook and see a tall man standing at the front. He had blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. He was very muscular and he had the hottest face.
Peter is bi in this fanfic!

"Everyone this is wade Wilson. Please treat him well."

1584 words. My thumbs hurt


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