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Peters POV

it's been a week since I came to HOMES. I was quite enjoying myself actually. Everyone here is nice, and our curfew is really late so that helpful when your Spider-Man.

I just got done with fighting some robbers that still had some of those high tech weapons from the vaulter. They were pretty tuff, and I came back with a bunch of bruises. They didn't question it though, since I alway came back with bruises from school. I took off my clothes and changed out of my suit into some sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. I put on my glasses and started to do mine and Flashes homework. After I finish that I go and fall on my bed, taking my glasses off and setting them on my small nightstand. Another thing I like about this place, it's very... homey.

I try to fall asleep, but every time I close my eyes I see aunt mags face. I see her in her hospital bed, holding my hand while slowly dying. I can't help but cry at the thought of this.

Once I realize that I can't fall asleep, I get back off my bed and go back to my desk. I take out my notebook and start writing equations down. Formulas about science things that pop into my head. As these things pop in my head I mumble the equations while I'm writing them. I'm so concentrated on my equations they I don't hear people say dinners ready. I continue to write stuff down and say I g it out loud, before my Spidey sense goes off and I jump and turn around to see Mr.Mall standing at the door.

"Gosh, you scared me mr.Mall! What can I help you with?" I ask. "Well first you can call me by my first name Oxford, and second, dinners ready. I guess you didn't hear that over the sound of your mumbling." He says. "Oh, sorry. I was just really concentrated." I say. I close my notebook and walk to the big dining room with Oxford.

We get there and I sit down next to some other people. I don't know them, I just sat next to them. I don't really like making friends, so every time they try and talk to me I just kinda nod and give them that ' I don't mean to be rude, but I don't want to talk to you.' Look. Once I do that they get the hint and leave me alone.

Once I finish eating, I go back to my room and sit back at my desk. I didn't feel like writing some more in my notebook, so I looked around more. As I did I noticed one of my boxes in the corner. It had a label on it that said 'memories'. I stare at it, thinking of weather or not I should remember the pain or not.

For this part I'm gonna day that the box was something that survived the fire. The flash drive thing was something he had in his backpack though.

I think long and hard, so I just took it and ripped it open, seeing the contents inside. There is a bunch of pictures of Gwen, and the little flash drive that had Gwen's speech on it. I put it in there when I came here. That was something I listened to when I was feeling depressed, but since these people treat me so well, I decided to put it away.

I took it out of the box and plugged it into my computer. I pressed the play button, and she stared to speak. It showed a picture of her face, and she was talking to everyone there. As I herd her voice, tears formed in my eyes. I hadn't listened to this in a long time. Her speech went on for another 3 minutes, and by the end of it I was crying on the floor. I remembered what she looked like when I saw her fall. I remembered when I held her in my arms saying it was okay, even though she was already dead. I took a picture of Gwen out of the box and looked at it. She was smiling, and her blonde hair rested perfectly on her shoulders. "I'm so sorry... I......I should have caught you sooner. I should have stoped the gear quicker. If I had just been better than you wouldn't have died. If I had just stayed away from you like I promised, you wouldn't have died..." I apologized. "You would have gotten to go to England, and go to Oxford, and be whoever you wanted to be.... but because of me you can't..." I blamed myself. I rocked back and forth, and eventually cried myself to sleep. On the floor.

Tony's POV and a time skip to when they are looking at HOMES for a kid.

This is the LAST orphanage we are going to. All the other didn't have kids that clicked with us. This was our last resort because the name was so odd. I mean who names a orphanage that?

"We better find someone..." I say sighing. " I'm sure we will honey. If we don't we can always go to another state or something." Steve reassured me. I sigh again and we start to walk in. As I'm walking I accidentally bump into a kid who running to get inside. He falls down and his hood falls off. When I see who it is I'm completely shocked.

"Peter?!" I shout. He looks just as surprised at me. "mr. Stark?! W-what are you doing here?" He asks. " I'm looking for a kid with Steve. What are YOU doing here is the real question." I state. He just stared at me for a second before getting up off the ground. He averts his eyes and looks nervous.

"I-I live here... since aunt may died, and I have no other living relatives or family, I was sent here..." he explains. My mouth is gaped. "Why didn't you tell me?" I question.  He looks at me confused. "W-w-why would I?" He asks.

"I would have adopted you sooner!" I shouted. He looked dumbfounded. I smiled at him and then at Steve, who look completely overjoyed at the fact we ran into peter. "You what? I don't understand. Why would you want to adopt me? I'm no one special..."
He averts his eyes again.

"Oh please kid don't give me that! Your amazing! In fact, your so amazing, that I'm gonna go and adopt you right now!" I scream. I then walk into the orphanage and ask for Peters adoption papers, leaving peter and Steve standing there.

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