You might want to stay away from me

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"Everyone, this is wade Wilson. Treat him well." The teacher says. He looks around the room, and for a second, our eyes meet. I feel my face get hot and I look down in a rush. Why does he have to be hot? I think to myself. I've never been into any one since Gwen, so it's been a while since I noticed any ones looks.

"Why don't you sit in front of peter? I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He doesn't pay attention anyway." The teacher says. Everyone laughs and I give a face as if that slightly offended me. Wade laughs and sits down in front of me. I stare at his back and notice how perfectly messy it was. As if sending me staring at him ha turns around. I look into his eyes and I feel blush creep up on my face again. Out of embarrassment I put on head back down.

"Hi." He says, smiling. I look up again. "Uh, hi?" I awkwardly say. "Your names peter right? It's a nice name." He compliments me. "And your name is wade. I like it." I smile at him. He laughs a little at the returned compliment. I like his smile. I thought. Then a memory of Gwen smiling at me from the desk in front of me comes in my head. My smile fades and I look back down. "You should probably pay attention. We have a quiz tomorrow." I say. "... right" he awkwardly turned around.  As the teacher was talking I just went back to correcting my equations. As I got more into my equations I started mumbling again. It was quiet, but apparently loud enough for wade to hear me, cause he turned around and looked at what I was doing. He looked at me still mumbling, and then he just turned back around.

Wades POV

(Yellow) {white} {white and yellow)

I stood there looking around the room while the teacher introduced me. At one point I met eyes with this dude with messy brown hair and brown eyes. He blushed a little when I locked eyes with him.

(What is he looking at?)

{he's so cute!}

Shh. I'm narrating here!

"Why don't you sit in front of peter?" The teacher says. He then points to the dude I was looking at a second ago. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He doesn't pay attention anyway." Everyone laughed and he gave a look like he was slightly offended by the comment. I laugh and sit down at the desk. As I'm sitting i feel as if some one is staring at me. I turn around and catch peter looking at me. He then blushes again and looks down at his notebook.

{aaawwwww! He's embarrassed! How cute!}

(Why's he looking at us?)

I decide to talk to him. I notice that he has a slight bruise next to his eye. Looks like someone punched him.

{OH! Who did that to our Petey!}

(Our Petey?)

I decide not to question it and decide to talk to him. "Hi." Is all I say. He looks back up at me and responds "uh, Hi?" "Your name is peter right? It's a nice name." I try to compliment him. A smile on my face. "And your name is wade. I like it." He compliments me back. I laugh and my smile grows bigger.

(He's weird. No one likes our name.)

{He said he likes it! He likes us!!}

(Jumping to conclusions much?)

The smile in his face slowly fades, and he looks down. "You should probably pay attention. We have a quiz tomorrow." He states coldly.

{what happened?}

(We messed up somehow)

"...right." I turn around and try to pay attention. I start to get bored of listening to this boring teacher, but then I herd mumbling. I turn around and see peter mumbling to himself about something. I look at what he's writing down, and it looks to be a whole bunch of science equations and stuff. Way to complicated for me.

(So he's a nerd.)

{a cute one}

I looked at him for a couple seconds and turned back around. I'm so bored. Can't this class be over? Author please?


-time skip to lunch-

I get out of the lunch line and try and find a place to sit. I look around to all the possible places to sit. Most of the tables are full, except one. One table has no body sitting there except one. Peter.

{he looks so lonely. Poor guy.}

(Does he like not have friends or something?)

{we should go talk to him}

I walk up to him and sit down in the seat across from him. He stops eating to look up at me. He looks at me for a second. "Can I help you?" He asks. "Nope. Not really." I respond. I smile and look at him. " then why are you here?" He asks. His voice seems to be hinting something.

(Maybe 'go the fudge away'?)

{psh. Nah}

"No reason. You just look lonely." I ignored the hint. "Do i?" He asks sarcastically.

{he doesn't seem to be in a good mood☹️}

(Maybe cause we are interrupting him from his delectable school cafeteria meal?)

"Yes." I keep smiling. He sighs. He doesn't move though. He continues to eat his food while I just stare at him. After about a minute he stops. "Are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna eat you food too?" He asks, looking up again. "Oh yea! I forgot about it. I don't really eat anything besides Mexican." I say, scooting my Tray to the side. He looks at me like I'm an idiot before asking "you know we have a Mexican food line right?"


"REALLY?!" I shout. He keeps looking at me like I'm stupid and then pushes his tray aside. He reaches under the table and pulls out his backpack. He opens it up and pulls out a binder.  He opens it and pulls out some homework. He pulls out a mechanical pencil and and starts to do his homework. In the cafeteria.


I once again stare at him while he does his homework, this time though, he doesn't acknowledge my existence. I smile and look at him while he get more engrossed in he work. Soon he starts to mumble like he did in class earlier. This goes on for about 5 minutes until he stops everything and move back a little, just dodging a basket ball that was thrown at him. We both look at the source and I find a buff guy with short hair. His look just screams bully. "Hey puny Parker! Who that with you? I thought you didn't have friends?" He says, directing his attention to me. "Might want to stay away from him. Nothing good comes from being around him." He warned me.

(Let's kill him)

{I kind agree with yellow}

I look at him, the direct my attention to peter, who has a look of complete guilt. He packs all of his stuff up in a hurry and runs off. I glare at the bully, and run after peter. As I run I see him go into the restroom. I walk in to see him on the floor puking into the toilet. I get closer and try to touch him, but then he dodges my touch, as of expecting it. He looks at me, and his eyes and red and he was crying.

(Yup. We're killing someone tonight)

{he's crying. WADE COMFORT HIM!}

"Uuuuh, are you okay?" I ask. He takes a piece of toilet paper and whips away the puke on his mouth. "I'm fine. Flash is right you know. You might want to stay away from me. Everyone close to me gets hurt."

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