Chapter 12

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Peters POV

I signal for him to follow me to the elevator. He walks with me in silence until we are in the elevator. "FRIDAY, housing floor please." I say. Wade looks at me for a second in confusion, before FRIDAY answers back. "Of course sir." She responds, scaring wade. "She's an AI." I shortly explain. He just nods and the elevator moves up.

"So..." he starts. "So." I say back. That's all that was said. It was awkward all the way up to the housing floor. We walk out, with me leading him to my room. He looks at my door and then at the spider on it. "I like spiders. My biological dad used to work with them." I explain. "Oh..."is all he said. I opened the door to reveal my room. Big but empty. I sit in my desk chair and gesture for him to sit on my bed. He walks over, and instead of sitting on the side. He lays all over it. "Comfortable?" I ask. He just smiles and nods. I role my eyes and turn around, noticing that Gwen's speech is still paused, so I close the computer and take out the flash drive, putting it in my drawer next to my charger.

Wades POV

We get to his room and I notice that there is a spider on his door. Much like the one on Spider-Mans costume.



"I like spiders. My biological dad used to work with them." Peter said.


{he's like adopted right?}


He opens the door to reveal a fairly large room. There is a dresser, bed, night stand, and desk. Other than that it's practically empty. He walks in and sits in his desk chair. He then gestures me to sit on his bed. I walk over, and being the wonderful man I am, instead of sit on the edge, I lay all over the bed, making myself comfortable. He looks at me with the most adorable judge face ever. "Comfortable?" He asks. I smile and nod my head.  He just roles his eyes in the cutest way and turns around. He looks at the girl on the screen. She had really blonde hair, and honestly didn't look half bad. He closes his computer and takes out a flash drive that was plugged in and put it in a drawer.


{who was that?}

(Girlfriend maybe?)

{dang it! He's taken!?}

I look over and see four pictures. One of them has the girl from the screen in it. "Is She your girlfriend?" I ask. He spins and looks and me, and then averts his eyes. "She was..." is all he says. "Was? Did she break up with you?" I ask.

{who would break up with our little Petey? He's so precious!}

"No. Not exactly." He averts his eyes even more, and tears start to form. I notice but don't say anything. "She died. About 8 months ago." He said. " IM SO SORRY I SIDNT KNOW!" I shout my apology.

(Why to go wade. We just reminded him of bad memories.)

{don't hate us Petey!}

He jumps. "I-it's fine. Y-you said you wanted to apologize. For what exactly?" He asks. "Oh! Well, i wanted to say sorry for what happened at school. I didn't mean to make you mad or anything." Now I'm the one averting my eyes. He stares at me for a second. "Why are you the one apologizing. I should be. I ignored you when you were just trying to understand and help me. I pushed you away." He said. He looked down at his hands that here in his lap. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled. I jolted out of my position on the bed at ran up to him. I put my hands on his. "I'm not mad! Please don't feel discouraged. I'm not good at cheering people up!" I say worryingly. He stares at my hands on his and the looks at me. He smiles a little. "You seem to be doing a good job to me." He says. I finally realize that I'm holding his hands a bit to tightly and pull away, blushing. His smile grows bigger and he giggled.


I clear my throat and try to change the subject. "W-well, a-anyway, apologizing wasn't the only thing I'm here for. I have a few questions about you and spider-man." I say. He freezes and looks at me. All laughter dying in the room. "What about him?" He asks. "Well, I saw a news paper, and saw that you take all of his photos. So, do you know who spider-man is?" I ask. Not even trying to hide it. "Why does everyone want to know if I know him or not. All I do is take pictures of him. Just because I take his picture doesn't mean I know his identity!" He shouts. He get out of his chair and puts his hands in his hair.

{you made him mad!}

(Two times In one day. A new record.)

Shut up.

"Sorry, I just wanted to ask." I look down as if I'm a dog getting the come of shame. Peter looks at me and sighs. "It's fine. I could understand why." He says. "Sir, mr.stark would like to know if you and your friend would like to watch a movie with them." The AI informs. "Oooh. Movies!" I say. My voice sounding like a child. Peter sighs again. "I'm guessing you want to?" He asks. "Only if your okay with it baby boy." I say, winking at him. He blushes and turns around.

{aaaawwwwwwww. He's embarrassed. Call him that from now on.}

"Fine. FRIDAY, tell them we will be down in a sec." Peter tells the AI. I smile and he opens the door. I follow him out and we both walk to the elevator. We get in and I decide to ask a question. "So, am I allowed to be your friend?" He tenses up. He looks me in the eyes for a good, long while. "If you think you won't get hurt." He says. Turning his attention back to the door.

(I'm guessing that's a yes then.)


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