Chapter 16

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After school, I went outside to meet happy. "Hey happy, could you go home without me? I want to clear my head." I say. "When will you be back?" He asks. "I'll try to be home around 8:00. No later then 12:00. Patrols take a long time." I say. "10:00 at the absolute latest." He Bergen's. "Alright. Thanks. You'll tell tony right?" I ask. "Yeah don't worry kid. And call him dad." He says. He then drives off and leaves me to go patrol as spider-man. I walk into an alleyway, change into my suit, and swing off.

After about an hour of patrolling. I sit on a building with a sandwich in my hands. All of a sudden my Spidey sense goes off, and I turn around to see Deadpool. "This seems familiar." He says. I stand up and put my hand on my hip, sandwich in my other. "What do you want Deadpool?" I ask, getting strait to the point. He looks at me, slightly offended. The He straitens and looks at me serious. "Who are you?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "Does no one grasp the concept of the mask? Geez, I already told you no. Please, stop asking." I ask, sounding completely over it.

"No can do bug boy. See I was hired to get your identity, and he's paying me a lot." He responds. "Then get another job." I retaliate. I then swing off the roof leaving Deadpool. I swing from building to building, then finding the alleyway from earlier. I start changing into my regular clothes when my Spidey sense goes off. I turn around to see nothing. "Must be acting up." I say out loud. I then go back to changing and pull my mask off after I get my shirt on.

Wades POV

"Then get another job" spider-man says before swinging off into the distance. "Sigh, if only it was that easy." I say.

(I'm pretty sure it is that easy.)

{yea but we REALLY want to know who he is too}


I teleport away to my apartment, and change out of my clothes. I then teleport back outside and into an alleyway, where I see spider-man changing. I quickly hide into the shadows. He turns around suddenly. "Must be acting up." Hash's while putting his shirt on.

(I swear we've seen the chest somewhere before...)



After he puts his shirt on, he pull off his mask, to reveal non other then peter. I stood there in shock. Our baby boy is spider-man. I can't turn him in. No matter how much money I receive, I can't sell out my baby boy.

He finishes putting on his clothes and walks out into the streets and blends into the crowd. I slip in and follow him.

Peters POV

I walk into stark tower and head strait for the avengers floor. I go into the elevator and the FRIDAY to go to avengers floor. The elevator goes up and I'm left there to think until we arrive at avengers floor. Am I really in love with wade? I mean, ever since I've met him I've been in higher spirits, and I've never blushed so much in one day since Gwen. Can I really be with some one so soon? He is really nice. And hot... and funny. I'm not even sure he will like me back. He might not even swing that way.

Before I knew it the door to the avengers floor opened. I snap out of my thoughts and go strait to the fridge. I grab a sticky note from the top of the fridge (because living with the avengers, you have to put your name on the things that our yours), and write my name and a treat to whoever eats it besides me. I then try and walk back to the elevator before Steve or tony talks to me. I was so close until Steve notices me. "Hey peter. Your home early. It's only 7:00." He states. "Yea, I ran into an annoyance of sorts and decided to come back." I explain. I start to enter the elevator before FRIDAY interrupts. "Peter, wade Wilson is here to see you." I stop and look at Steve and tony. They nod their heads and I smile, thanking them. I get into the elevator and head down to the lobby to get wade.

"Hi. What's up?" I ask. He looks at me for a second, before averting his eyes. "Can we talk?" He asks. "Sure. Let's go to my room." I say, leading him to the elevator. It's silent all the way up and into my room. I didn't bother making conversation on the way up, since he already looks uncomfortable.

We enter my room and I once again sit in my desk chair, while he sits in my bed. It's quiet for a minute, until I break the silence. "What did you want to talk about." I ask. He looks up and make eye contact with me. "Your spider-man." He, more like stated. I sat there stunned. " what?" Is all I could ask. My voice cracked a little. " your spider-man." He started again. "Uuuuh, wade I don't know what your talking about. Why would I b-." Before I could finish, wade stood up and interrupted me. "I saw you change in the alleyway earlier." He says. I'm even more stunned now. My mouth was opened in awe. I decided to give up on trying to hide it. "A-alright. Yeah I'm spider-man. Please don't tell anyone at school!" I pleaded. He looked at me a little shocked. "I wouldn't dare. Since I know your secret, it only feels right to tell you mine..." He says. He turns away and gets really nervous. "What? You don't have to." I say. "You can keep your secret!" I say. He shakes his head. "No I have to tell you cause then that's not fair to you. God this is weird. Uuuuuh, how do I say this?" He puts his hands on his head and walks around my room. "I... i uuuuh, I'm Deadpool." He says. Once again my mouth is open in awe. "What?! How?!" I exclaim. Then I remember when he said he had a job to find out my identity. "Wait, did you stalk me? Did you turn me in!?" I shout. I puts his hands u p and shakes his head. " nononononono! I would never. That the other reason I'm here. I'm not gonna turn you in. I can get the money some other way, and no I didn't stalk you. I just happened to teleport in the alleyway you were changing in. Honest." He defends. I'm in so much confusion right now I do t know what to think. Wade knows in spider-man, and it turns out wade is actually Deadpool. What are the fudging odds of that?! I look up at him and meet him in the eyes. His eyes are just screaming 'I'm sorry!' I calm down and shake my head. "Wade, I need you to promise that you keep my identity a secret." I say. He nods his head vigorously. I sigh in relieve, and and leaned into my chair. "Do your parents know?" Wade asks. I look at him and smile. "Yeah, tony was actually the one who helped me upgrade my suit. What about you? Do yours know." I ask back. He eyes go down and he turns away. "I don't have parents. I live by myself. In some crappy apartment with cheap rent." He says. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know." I apologize. "Nah it's fine. I get money from all the jobs people give me. You know, like make this dude give this other dude money, of get revenge for this guy. I don't kill anybody though." He explains.

Yea I ain't making Deadpool a killer. Even though that is part of who his character is. I don't feel like writing the drama about peter saying "I can't be with you cause you go against what I stand for"

"Who was paying you to find out who I am?" I ask. "Huh? How some lame dude with a mustache. Looked like a real man let me tell you." Wade laughed and I smiled. I don't know any one with a description, so I can only quests it's some random villain.

It is only a random villain. The real villain is yet to be reveled!

After more talking about hero stuff, wade goes home and I'm left to think about stuff. So the guy I might like knows I'm spider-man. And he's actually Deadpool. This may be good. He can take care of himself, so maybe nothing will go wrong this time...

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