Chapter 17

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Peters POV

After I led wade out and said my goodbyes, I went to Avengers floor for some food. I was going to get the sandwich I left in the fridge. The elevator dings and I walk strait to the fridge. I notice tony and Steve loving on the couch, so I go over to them with my sandwich and sit in one of the single chairs. I take a bite of my sandwich and wait for one of them to talk, cause I certainly am NOT starting a conversation. "Hello peter. What were you and wade doing?" Steve asks. Since they know I'm spider-man, I can tell them problems that I have. Wade knowing I'm spider-man isn't really a problem, but I think they deserve to know. "Uuuh, well about that... wade.... kinda found out that I was spider-man." I confess. They look at me. "Okay. Well, do you trust him to keep the secret?" Steve asks. I nod and he smiles. "Then there is nothing to worry about. As long as you trust him, we trust him." He states. Tony nods in agreement. I smile and thank them. There is a little silence before FRIDAY speaks. "Sir, I just got word from the police about the fire at peters home." I freeze. "What about it?!" My voice filling with worry. "They say that they found evidence that the fire was deliberate, and that some one was targeting your house. From the Debris, they found a shard of what looks like a pumpkin bomb." She informs. I stand up.

Could Harry have done this!? But why? I know he hates me but why aunt may? God I should have just given him my blood! Why am I such an idiot. Tears start to stream down my face and I start hyperventilating. Steve and tony run over to me trying to calm me down. I can't hear anything they are saying over my own thoughts.

This is my fault! If I had just accepted to giving him the blood Gwen wouldn't be dead. I could still have my friend, even if he did change physically, I would still have Harry. It's all my fault! Everything's my fault!

Tony gets on his phone and shouts urgently. A minute later I see wade walk in. He runs to me and hugs me, trying to comfort me. I cling to him and start crying into his shoulder. "Its all my fault. If had just given him my blood he would still be harry! Gwen would still be alive! Aunt may would still be here! Everything's my fault!" I cry. He rubbed circles on my back trying to calm be down, only working slightly. I look up at him. "I deserve this." My eyes red from tears. I shake my head and turn away, but wade grabs my head in his large hand and turn it to face him. "Listen, it's not your fault, peter. You didn't know what it would do to him. It's not your fault." He repeated. I tried to shake my head again, but his hands kept my head looking at him, so I just spoke. "No. Everything's my fault. Everyone in my life is dead because of me." I protest. I cry more while looking in his eyes. Right then he does something that completely threw me off guard.

He kissed me. This was the first kiss I've had in so long. Not only that, but he was very good at it. Before I knew it I stopped crying, and was kissing him back, closing my eyes and forgetting my surroundings.

Tony's POV

Peter gets down on the floor crying and hyperventilating, and me and Steve run up to him, trying to calm him down. I remember when peter had the nightmare last night and how wade was able to calm him down so easily. I pull out my phone and frantically file his number.(got FRIDAY to give it to him.) "wade! I need you to come back to the tower right now!" I yell into the phone. "What? Why?" I hear him ask on the other line. "Just hurry!" I shout. I then hang up and wait.

About a minute later he comes in and immediately runs to hug peter. Peter start crying into his shoulder and and saying stuff about how everything is his fault. Me and Steve stand there worried beyond belief, while wade gets to calm peter down. At some point, wade grabs Peters face and turns it towards him. He talks to peter, who in turns says something else. Apparently wade got fed up or something because in order to shut peter up, he kisses him. Me and Steve are just as surprised as peter is, and we both turn around to give them their moment. It seems to calm peter down, and before we knew it they were having a whole make out session. Me and Steve nod, and walk away. When we get to our room, I tell FRIDAY to tell everyone not to go onto avengers floor.

-during make out session-

Wades POV



Me and peter continue to kiss, and it feels like the Fourth of July. Peter is kissing back, and surprisingly, he's very good at it. I move closer to him -if that's even possible- and make the kiss deeper. I hear a slight moan come from peter when I do. I smirk durning the kiss and he kisses back even harder.

(It seems we are having a competition here)

{and we are loosing. Who knew peter was THIS good at kissing.}

(Not us)

Our make out session lasts for about 3 minutes before we pull away for air. "Are you calm?" I ask, slightly panting. "Yeah. Thanks wade. And uuuh, your a Uh, great kisser." He compliments. "Not to bad yourself baby boy. Why don't you say we continue?" I ask, hinting. He blushes so much I'm pretty sure he turns as red as his suit. He looks away and thinks. "Not here. We should move..." I smile and stand up. I hold out my hands and he takes his in mine.

{his hands fit perfectly in ours.}

He leads me to the elevator, and we head to, i assuming, his room.

(Oooh, things about to get steamy.)

He opens the door to his room and closes it, locking it once it shuts. As soon as he does so, his kiss him on the lips. Hard. He is slammed on the door while I continue to kiss him. He kisses back even harder, and the competition starts once again. Every now and then I hear a moan escape his mouth, which's makes me deepen the kiss, yearning to hear more.

Peter POV

Every once in a while I moan into the kisses wade gives me. I wrap my legs around his waist, silently telling him I want more. He takes me off the door and throws me onto my bed. He starts to kiss me again, adding his tongue in make almost making me loose control. He puts a hand under my shirt and touches my chest, earning an even sweeter moan to come from my mouth.

I decide that I let him be in control for long enough, and with my strength, flip him over so he's on my bed and I'm sitting on top of him. I break away from the kiss and lustfully look down at him. I start to pull of my shirt while keeping eye contact with him. I can feel his dick get harder through his pant through the way I'm sitting on him. I move my hips back and forth earning a giant of pleasure from wade. When I get my shirt off I lean down and kiss him, starting to take off my pants.

After all my clothes are off, I leave taking my underwear off to wade. I take his hands and put them on my waist. "I'll let you decide what to do next." I say, biting his ear. This is the least I could do for him. He calmed me down and held me and made me feel safe. I love him and want this.

We flip once again and he is once again on top. I unbuttons his pants and pulls them down, taking off his shirt next, leaving both of us in our boxers. He leans down on his and grabs my dick through me boxers, making me moan a little louder out of pleasure. "Wade!" I whine, begging him for more. He comply and puts his hands in my boxers and starts to pump me.

It's very awkward writing this.

I breath heavy and unsteady breaths, trying to control myself. I grab onto his arm and lean my head back onto my bed, enjoying his touch. I see wade expression trying to hold back, which I don't want. So I take my free hand and touch He dick, becoming him to fuck me.

"Please wade. Love me!" I beg, Speedo g my legs and looking into his eyes.

Wades POV

I can't hold back anymore! Peter is way to sexy.

I grab his waist and pull it close to me. I remove his underwear and see his beautiful body. I insert a finger impatiently and stretch him out. I hear his cries of Ecstasy that turn me on even more and once I feel his hole is stretched enough, I dive in. The scream he lets out when I enter him will haunt my wet dreams for the rest of eternity. Once I'm fully in I wait for him to get used to it. I slowing move in him at first, watching him as he moans from pleasure and his hands gripping the sheets of the bed. I pick up the pace and lean down to kiss peter. He wraps his arms around my neck and deepens the kiss.

I continues to thrust faster and faster till both of us come.

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