Chapter 15

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Peters POV

I slowly fall into consciousness. I feel warmth wrapped around me. I shift more towards it, only to realize it's breathing. I slowly open my eyes, to reveal a very muscular (and sexy, may I add) chest. I jump awake, blushing so mush I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato. I look over to see wade, who is just starting to wake up.

Why am I sleeping so close to him? Why was I in his arms? What happened? Am I going crazy? These are things I'm asking myself! My thoughts wild as I try to remember what happened last night. I did some homework, work on my web shooters, and then went to bed. What else happened? I kept thinking over and over again till I finally a memory came in my mind.

I went to bed, and I had a night terror. I was scared, and I called wade name. He then hugged me and I cried to sleep in his arms. That doesn't explain why me and him were hugging each other while we slept. 

Wade is finally up and just looking at me. "Uuuuh, peter? You okay?" He asked, slightly worried. I look at him. "Why were we holding each other just now?" I ask. "Oh that," he yawns before continuing. "I tried to put you back to bed, but when I put you down you wouldn't let go. I'm telling you baby boy, you are much stronger then you look." Wade explains. I stare at him. Quilt strikes me as I wonder if I was a burden. "I'm sorry. If must have been annoying, dealing with me having a night terror." I avert my eyes. "It's not your fault. Also it wasn't a burden at all. I quite enjoyed cuddling with you baby boy." He says. This causes me to blush even more then I already was, and I turn my head away from him. "A-anyway, we should be getting dressed, and we do NOT speak of this at school. Got it?" I snap my head at him. He only nods, with fear in his eyes. I get off my bed and go in my closet. I once again dig to find clothes that fit wade. I manage to find one pair of jeans and a large, black, AC/DC hoodie. I threw him the clothes, and I grab the same thing, just with smaller pants. I like my shirts and hoodies loose, since it hides any injuries I might have. I tell him to change in the bathroom, while I change in my actual room.

Once we are both dressed I start to put all the things I need in my back pack. "FRIDAY, what time is it?" I ask. "It is 8:15 Sir. School starts in 15 minutes." She responds. "WHAT?!" I practically scream. "Why didn't you wake us up?" I questioned. "Mr. Stark said you looked peaceful and he didn't want to disturb you. Plus you don't have to walk since happy will be driving you to school." FRIDAY explains. I sigh in frustration. I look at wade and tell him to follow me to the garage where happy is waiting.

"Who's he? What took you so long?" Happy bombards me with questions. "Woah calm down. This is wade, my friend," I stop for a second. "And we woke up late." I finished. Friend. Haven't had one of those for a while. Me and wade get in the car while happy quickly drives us to school.

-10 minutes later, at school. During first period Spanish.-

Me and wade walked in together and got little glances. Probably because of me. I look down and head to my seat, which wade following behind me. I sit down and he sits in front of me. He turns around and we talk to each other. He keeps calling me baby boy, which I don't like. "Can you stop calling me that? It's embarrassing." I say. He only smirks. "That's even more reason to use it. Baby boy." I rolled my eyes and excepted my doom.

About 5 minutes later the teacher finally started class and we begun our quiz. It was really easy. I'm pretty sure I aced it. I finished about ten minutes after it was given out, so I just slept the entire class. I closed my eyes and for one since I lost Gwen, I didn't have a nightmare.

-at lunch-

I sat by myself eating an apple and doing my home work. My Spidey sense went off and I just barely missed a punch to the face. I looked up and saw flash and his little gang stand in front of me. "Hey parker. Your little friend not here today?" Flash asks. He lacks started laughing as if he told a joke. "I guess not." I said. Flash looked at me. Then he picked me up by the shirt. "You know the reason he's not here? It's because he know that everyone who gets close to you dies." He says. Hurting me in the heart a little. This actually make me wonder wade wade isn't here. He seemed to want to talk to me during lunch yesterday. My eyes filled with worry and flash notices. "That's right parker. The reason nobody gets close to you is cause they know your a murderer." He says. My eyes start to glisten with water. But right on queue, wade come over. "The fudge is going on here?" He asks.

You may have noticed but I use fudge instead of fu**. They are actually using the curse word, but I don't want to use it so I use a substitute. So every time you read a substitute, just imagine they are cursing.

I look at wade. Worry in my eyes slowly fading. Flash puts me down with force and a tumble back a little trying to catch myself from falling on the ground. He then walks away to talk to other people. I sigh and sit back down, trying to calm myself from his hurtful words. The beating I can take, since he's. Or half as strong as the villains I fight on a daily basis. Wade looks at me for a second before speaking up. "What did he say to you?" He tone is Laced with anger. "Nothing important." I say. Trying to go back to eating, before his voice gets stricter. "Peter." He says. Cause if me to look up. His face screams 'tell' I sigh "he just said stuff about how you weren't here cause you knew that everyone close to me dies. And then he says nobody talks to me cause I'm a murderer." I said, calmly. He looked at me. Anger slowly growing in his eyes. "Drop it wade. It's no big deal, I'm used to it. Plus, it's kinda true anyway." I sorta mumble the last part, averting my eyes. "What? Why would it be your fault?" He asks. "Because I could have saved them but I didn't." I say. Eyes still averted. "Look peter," he said. Using my name. "I have literally only known you for lass then 48 hours, but I can tell, if you could have saved them, then you would have no doubt saved them. It's not you fault that they died. You are not a killer. Trust me. I know." Wade says. Looking into my eyes. I look back into his. His beautiful blue eyes. They
Look like the cleanest ocean, the prettiest beach. I nod my head. I didn't even realize that we were holding hands until the bell ring to go to class.

Am I falling in love with wade? Am I even worthy of him? Am I allowed to love someone after Gwen? Do I even have a chance?

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