Chapter 18

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Peters POV

I woke up in wades arms, completely naked. I remember what happened last night, and blushed. I did THAT with wade! He said he loves me, so does that mean we are going out now?! My thoughts are interrupted my wade squeezing me tight. I giggle and try and wake him up. I look up and kiss his neck. "Wade. Wake up your squeezing me!" I say. He groans a little and looses his grip. I lean up and give him a peck on the lips. "I'm gonna go shower. You welcome to join me. We got to go to school in about an hour. So better make up your mind quick." I whisper in his ear. I then get off the bed and go into the shower, leaving the door slightly open. I hear him struggling to get out of bed from what I just told him, and I giggle escapes me. I turn on the shower and step in, thinking about how I'm gonna deal with harry.

If he set my house on fire, that means he's out of prison. If he isn't then that waiter means some one is impersonating him or he has someone doing his dirty work. I'll have to check and see if he's still in prison.

In the middle of my thinking wade comes in and wraps his hands around my waist. "Need any help baby boy?" He asks, whispering in my ear. "Hmm, nope. What about you?" I ask. "Mmmmh... yea actually. If you could just go-." I cut him off and peck him on the lips, washing my body. "Nope, My fun in the morning, my ass still hurts from last night." I say. I smirk and turn back around. We continue to get cleaned up and then we head down to avengers floor.

When we get there we see tony and Steve over at the island chatting. They turn to see us and smirk a little. "Have fun last night?" Tong asks. I blush and wade puts a hand on the back of his neck. "M-maybe..." I mutter. "I'm perfectly fine with you to being together, but wade," Steve pauses. "If you hurt my sons feeling, remember that I lead the avengers." He threatens. He laughs nervously. "I couldn't sir. I love him to much." Wade states. I look up, flustered. I hear tony laugh and see Steve smile. I look down, red as a tomato. I try to change the topic. "A-ANYWAY, w-we came down here for food, then we are gonna head to school." I say, walking to the fridge. I open it and get the milk, then go to the cabinet to get come cereal. I pour the cereal and milk into two bowls, and hand one to wade, who smiles in return. We sit down at the counter with tony and Steve and we have light conversations. Me and tony talk about some science stuff and Steve and wade talk about the meaning of the color red. I do t know why they are, but they are.

After we finish eating and we finish our conversations, me and wade head to the garage where happy is waiting for us. "He's with you again I see." Happy comments, then drives us to school. While driving me and wade hold hands. We hold each other's hands until we ha e to get out. We get out and head to first period together. "So, we ARE dating right?" I ask. He looks at me confused. "Yeah, why wouldn't we be. I already said I love you, and we already..... you know." He says. I blush and nod my head, grabbing his hand. "Right." We get a few weird stares, but mostly, every one in the school doesn't really care about gay couples. We enter class and sit in our seats, and the rest of our day goes great. Whenever I'm around wade, all of my worry's are no more. He makes my nightmares go away in an instant, His voice soothes me, and his touch is so delicate yet rough at the same time it makes me go crazy. And I'm dating him. I couldn't be more happy. Even if I still have problems to deal with, with wade, I feel like I can do anything. I just hope to god I don't loose him too. I'm not alone anymore!

-in prison-

3rd POV

"Sir, It seems that peter Parker was adopted by tony stark and Steve Rogers. He is also now officially dating a man by the name of wade Wilson." A man in a coat and hat informs Harry Osborne. "Really? Dating someone else already? Guess you haven't learnt you lesson. Peter." Harry says. Laughing maniacally in his cell.


Don't worry. I'm writing another book, it just won't come out still the 22 or 23rd of June. I'll be back with this story.


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