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Still wades POV

"What?" I ask. "Is that why you were so hostile towards a me earlier?" I ask. "I guess so..." he averts his eyes. "I just don't want anymore of the people I care about getting hurt." He says. I laugh. "Well, I've been told I'm a very fast healer, so you don't have to worry!" I smile, trying to cheer him up a little. He laughs darkly. "I don't think you can heal death." He says. I pause. "Death? What do you mean?" I ask. " that's what I mean by hurt you idiot. Everyone I cared about either died or ended up hating me." He explained. He sounded completely over everything. "Look, your new here, so if you want to know something, just ask any one at this school. They will tell you ALL the juicy details." He said. He got up and walked passed me. "Now if you excuse me, the bells about to ring." He says. Right after he said that the bell rang.

(Well that was depressing.)

{poor Petey. What happened?}

(Haven't you been listening?)

{no I was to distracted worrying about his crying face}

Can you shut up? I'm trying to think! He said that if we wanted to know details then just ask any one. So I guess I'll do that.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk around the school, heading to my next class. I look at all the other students talking to each other. Some couple kissing on lockers, some friends talking to each other, and others just walking to their class. Before I knew it I was at my next class. I walk into my class and Immediately spot peter. I didn't expect that. He spots me and just looks back down at his paper.

{He seems pissed}

(I hadn't noticed)

I look around and notice the only empty seat is next to peter. Seems there is always an empty seat near peter. I sit down and he just keeps ignoring me. It goes like that throughout half the class. I ended up staring at him the whole time. "Mr.Wilson! Why don't you come solve this problem?" The teacher says. I look at him and then the problem. I haven't payed attention throughout the entire class. Crap. "I... uuuh, I don't know?" I say. "Peter. Solve please." Peter reluctantly gets up and grabs the marker. He then starts writing all of his work on the board, and within seconds, the problem is solved. "Correct. Thank you peter." The teacher thanks peter and continues with the lesson while peter makes his way back to his seat.

{he's so smart}

After that it went back to me staring at him and him ignoring me, and that was out last class together. The rest of the day went along plain and boring. Once the bell rang for us to go home, I saw peter run off. I just walked back to my apartment. I didn't live with anybody, but I was in a building where they didn't care about your age as long as you can pay rent. I'm 18 and in the 11th grade cause I started late. I didn't fail or anything. I'm not that dumb. Anyway...

When I got to my apartment I changed into my Deadpool suit and headed out to do a job. This time, I've been hired to hind out who Spider-Man is! How existing!

(I'd love to know who owns that nice ass.)


As I walked out, I saw just the spider I wanted to meet swing by and land on top of a tall building. He lifted his mask and took out a sandwich from a bag he had. I teleported up to him trying to surprise him. But when I got up there he was already standing up ready to shoot me with his webs. He shot and pinned me to a wall. "AAH! Jesus calm down I only wanted to surprise you. Jeez." I say. He looked at me for a second. "Who are you?" He asks. "No, the question is, who are YOU?" I say back. "Spider-man." He answered me. "I know that, I meant you you. Like who are you really?" I ask. "Uh, none of you business that's who." He snaps. "Look, I'm not in the mood okay. So that web will dissolve in about two hours, so bye." He says. "oh, okay... WAIT WHAT?! 2 HOURS?! You can't leave me here for two hours!" I pleaded. "Actually I can. How about you tell me
Your name and and I let you go." He try's to make a deal. "Fine. The names Deadpool. The merc with a mouth. In the flesh." I say. "Okay Deadpool. Nice to meet you, also, don't follow me please. As I said earlier, im not in the mood." He says. "Will do." I smile under my mask.

(You're such a lier.)

{you devil}

He lets me go and walks to the ledge, he then jumps
Off and swings away. Food still in hand. I said I wouldn't follow him but I end up doing it anyway, but the attempt was futile. Once I lost him I just walked around aimlessly. Then I came across a newspaper. On it was a picture of spider-man. And in the bottom right hand side corner, it said 'photographed by peter Parker'. Looks like we get to see our precious Petey again!


(You realize that he is still probably pissed at us.)

{why? We didn't do anything wrong. He was just said that people he cared about for hurt.}


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