Sleep over!

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Peters POV

We walked out of the elevator and entered the avengers floor. We saw Clint, Pietro, Natasha, Steve, tony, Thor, Bucky, Wanda, vision, and Sam all sitting around the TV. Steve was sitting in a signal chair with tony sitting on top of him, Clint and Pietro were cuddling really close together in the couch, Wanda and vision doing the same thing, but on the other end, Natasha was in the middle and Bucky was sitting in the other signal chair. Me and wade walk over. "Hello. My name is wade. I'm Peters friend." Wade smiles. Tony gets off of Steve and walks up to wade, examining him. He looks up satisfied, and puts his hand up. "Nice to meet you wade. I'm tony stark. Peters father." Wade takes his hand and they shake. Tony then go and sits back on Steve. "What are we watching?" I ask.

"We were just discussing that. Clint say lion king. I say Star Wars. And Thor says The LEGO movie. What do you want?" Tony asks. "Uuuuuuh... i don't know. How about Aladdin?" I suggest. I hear wade gasp and everyone else nods. "Good choice kid." Natasha says. Me and wade sat on the two beanbags on the floor. Tony told FRIDAY to play Aladdin, and we all sat there, and every time a song came on, Clint would sing to it. Sometime I would glance at wade and see him mouthing every word to the movie as if he's knows it from heart. Overall, it was fun. Watching a movie with everyone, I really enjoyed it. The movie was over before I knew it, and it was 11:00 at night.

"Wade shouldn't you be getting home? It's 11 now." I say. "Oh your right! Well I guess I'll be heading off then." He gets up while the credits are rolling and he starts to walk to the elevator, I start to get up so I can escort him down, but Steve stop him. "It's much to late to be going home now. Why don't you stay over tonight?" Steve suggests. "Uuuuh... I mean I could, but where would I sleep?" Wade asks. That's when I jump in. "You can sleep in my room. There is plenty of space." I say. I can see wade eyes light up a little. "It's decided then. Wade should you call your parents and tell them?" Steve asks. The light in wades eyes dims but his expression doesn't change. "No it's fine. There out of town right now." He says.

We head back to my room after tony gives us a sleeping bag for wade. Though we don't need it. I was gonna let him just sleep on my bed since I had a homework to do, and I wanted to work on my web shooters.

We arrive at my room and I sit in my desk chair, and cross my legs. He starts to place to sleeping bag down, but I stop him. "You can just use my bed. You don't have to use the sleeping bag." He looks at me. "I was planning to stay up anyway. I didn't get to finish my home work during lunch. As you know." I explain. "Besides, if I get tired I could always join you. I found the bed way to big anyway. It can fit about three people." I reassure. He smirks at that and wiggles his eyebrows. "I look forward to that." He says slyly. I roll my eyes as he jumps on my bed. "I'm gonna take a shower." I state. I get up from my chair and go to the bathroom. I take off my shirt and look in the mirror. I notice all the scars I got from all the fight I've had ever since I've been spider-man, and I also notice that there are a bunch of bruises from this morning from flash. (Before he met wade.) I sigh and hop in the shower. It takes me about 15 minutes to finish, since I kinda got lost in space thinking about stuff.

Once I got out I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out to get some clothes. When I opened the door, wade was just standing in the middle of the room. Looking at everything. Mainly the pictures on my desk. "Those are all the people I've lost in my life." I say, startling him. He looks at me for a few seconds before turning away, blushing. "Your more muscular then I thought." He says. "I get that a lot." I respond, heading over to my closet and getting some pants to put on. I head back into the bathroom and change into the pants, still shirtless. (Cause men can walk around shirtless without it being weird) I walk back out and sit at my desk. I turn around and see wade laying seductively on my bed. I notice that he's still in his normal clothes, so I get back up and head to my closet. Again.

I look through, and find a pair of pants that I too big for me, but could probably fit wade. I hand it to him and tell him to go change in the bathroom. It takes a minute, but he comes back out in the pants, and no shirt. He's hotter without his shirt. Am I staring? I blush and turn away. He notices and smirks, laying back on my bed. "Like what you see baby boy?" He teases. "Shut up." I mumble. I grab my backpack and take out my home work. "You should go to sleep. Quiz tomorrow in Spanish." I say. "Okay. Nighty night baby boy." I then hear him shift around in the bed. I start working on my home work and put I'm earbuds in. I turn on fall out boy.

I keep working on my home work for a while, and then once I'm done I turn to see how asleep wade is. Once I confirmed he was in a deep enough sleep, I took out my web shooters to work on them. I find ways to improve them, and ways to make them thinner but still be able to carry extremely heavy material. This in all takes me about 3 hrs, and when I look at my clock, it 2:45am. I yawn, and hide my web shooters. I get into my bed, scooting wade over so I can have enough room to lay comfortably.

He was in the middle of the bed.

I find myself falling asleep, and dreaming of everyone I lost.

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