Chapter 11

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Peters POV

I swung away from Deadpool trying to lose him. You could hear the lying In his voice when he said he wouldn't follow me. After I got away, I changed into my regular clothes and walked out of the ally. I walked all the way back to the tower and told FRIDAY to take me to Avengers floor. I lost my appetite as quickly as I got it, and wanted to put it in the fridge. As soon as the door opened, my Spidey senses went off, and I dodged a arrow. "IM SO SORRY!!" I heard Clint yell. Then I saw Tony get up from where he was sitting a glare at Clint. "The fudge  are you trying to do?! You almost killed my now son!!" He yelled. "It's okay Clint. I saw it coming as soon as the elevator door dinged. Spidey senses and all." I say. Clint comes over to me and gives me a hug. "You're a god peter!" He praises me. I laugh at that and then here told mumble something about him being the god. "Well I came here to put my food i got in the fridge. So nobody eat it without my permission okay?" I ask. Some nod. "What's the food?" Clint asks. He let go of me by now. "Only one of the best sandwiches in Queens," I respond. "Oh really? Mind if I have a piece?" Tony asks. "Sure why not?" I say. I pull out the sandwich, and rip of a piece. I hand it to him and he eats it. His eyes light up afterwards. "This is good. And coming from me that's saying something." He compliments the sandwich. "You should probably eat that now, or I'll end up stealing it," I warned me. I laugh. Looking at the sandwich does give me my appetite back, so I go upstairs and eat the sandwich while I unpack my things.

Sorry, I'm really hungry right now, but I'm too lazy to get off my bed and go downstairs at 2:00 I'm the morning and make a sandwich...😑

I open the box of memories and take out four pictures, a laptop, a flash drive, and a computer charger. I place the pictures in order. First one of my parents. Then one of Uncle Ben, then one with Gwen and her father, the final one with aunt may. They are in order of all the people I lost in my life so far. I'm hoping I won't have to add any more pictures.

I set the laptop on my desk right next to the picture of aunt may, and the flash drive with Gwen's speech next to my laptop. I put the charger in my desk drawer. I sit in my desk chair and put on Gwen's speech. I listen to her speak and a couple tears escape my eyes. While listening to her speak, more tears escape and my the middle I hear a knock on the door. "Peter?" I hear a voice say. its hard to make out who it is, so I pause Gwen's speech and go to open the door. when I open the door I see Bucky standing there.  I quickly whip my tears away. "Yes?" I ask. he looks at me with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" he asks, all concerned. " yeah yeah I'm fine, just thinking of stuff." I say.  "oh, well, Steve told me to get you for dinner, if you're hungry that is." he says. "yeah. I finished my sandwich a long time ago, and I'm still hungry. I could eat a whole cow if you let me." I say, smiling.

we head down to to the Avengers floor, where everyone is. they are all either on the couch or at the table. I go and get some food that Steve made, and sit next to Tony. I remain quiet. I don't really talk while eating unless someone starts the conversation. that or when someone is staring at me while I a certain someone did at lunch.

"so, Peter, I was wondering, what if I give you a ride to school every day instead of you walking every day?" Tony asks me. I think about it. I wouldn't have to walk, and I would get there quicker, which mean I'll have more time here. I don't do morning patrols, so there is no reason not to accept his offer. "Sure, why not. I see no disadvantage." I accept.  he smiles and raises his hand up to give me a high five. I give him the high-five and we continue eating. we have little conversations here and there and I find myself enjoying myself. "So, Peter, do you have a girlfriend?" Clint asks, with a devilish smirk. I freeze. "I-I uuuuh... I did." I managed to say.i averted my eyes and looked down at my plate. "you did?" clint pesters. "uh, s-she... she di-" I was interrupted by FRIDAY. "Peter, there seems to be someone wanting to see you in the lobby. should I let him up?" FRIDAY asks.  thank god she interrupted. "who is it?"  I ask. she takes a couple seconds. " he says his name is Wade Wilson. WHAT?! why is he here? " uuuh... can I have him come up to my room?" I ask Tony. "only if you say thanks dad." he says. "thanks, dad." I respond. he smiles and nods. " FRIDAY, can you tell him to wait a minute?" I ask FRIDAY. I then go to the elevator, and without even telling her to, FRIDAY brings me to the lobby.

as soon as I get there I see wades face light up like a little kid on Christmas.  I walk up to him. "What are you doing here?" I ask. " I came to see you. what other reason is there?" he asks. true. "okay, why did you come here to see me?" I ask. "well, there are two reasons. One, I want to apologize, and two, I want to talk to you about something." he explains. "Fine. let's go." I turn around and signal for him to follow me.

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