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Peters POV

Today was going great. My head didn't hurt, Flash wasn't at school to annoy me, and I got a 100 on my Spanish test.I walked out of the school building with a smile on my face. I was even skipping a little. Today seemed to be the rainbow after the storm.I walked along the streets of Queens and went into my favorite sandwich shop. "Hey! Peter! What's up? How's that aunt of yours doing, huh?" The shop-owner asked. "¡Ella es una mujer buenísima!" He continued this time in Spanish. And me, being the Spanish whiz I am, retaliated. "Ella está bien. "¿Cómo está tu hija, eh?" His face went straight. " $10." Mr. Delmore said. He looked at my bit displeased with my comment. "What? They are only $5!" I complained. "For that comment, $10." He scoffed. "Oh come on I was kidding. You know I would never think of your daughter like that!" I said. I don't. We don't even talk to each other. We met once, and it was only because she got off of school early and was helping out her dad. "Here's $5. Sorry." I handed him a $5 bill and he took it, making my sandwich. As he made it, I called out to him. "Remember to squish it down real flat!" I earned a huff in response. It took him about 5 minutes to make it and I just waited there. Right as I was about to leave I looked at the news. The label said 'fire burns down a house in Queens' I stop and ask Mr. Delmore to turn on the volume."It seems that a house in Queens was burned down by an unknown cause. Firefighters recovered a woman that is severely hurt and is headed to the hospitals right now." The news lady reported. I looked at the picture and realized that the lady is none other than Aunt May! I stood there frozen. Time seemed to stop as my stomach did a flop due to the overwhelming fear. I have to go see her. I listen to it more figure out which hospital she's in, and that run as fast as possible. I left my sandwich at the shop. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. Swinging would probably be faster but I was too determined to get to the hospital and see my aunt May. After what felt like an eternity I finally got to the hospital and ran right to the front desk. "I'm here for the woman on the news! I'm her nephew!" I explained. She looked up at me and told me to go to the third floor. I wait in the waiting room for her to get out of surgery.... I sat on the bench, worried sick. My knee was bobbing up and down and my hands were clammy. I kept wiping them on my jeans over and over, but they still were slick with sweat. I would tell my self over and over that she was fine. She'll pull through. Right? I couldn't help but let the doubts creep into my mind. As I was getting more impatient and apprehensive, a man came out of the operation room and made his way over to me. I stood up, and looked to him with hope filled eyes. He looked at me, with pity. "I'm sorry." He said. The back of my throat burned as tears streamed down my face. "We were able to keep her stable for now, but she won't make to tomorrow. We are going to let stay with her in her final moments." He said as he avoided eye contact.He led me to the room. I could see Aunt May through the window resting there. Her eyes were closed. She looked, so, peaceful. "You can go whenever you're ready." He tried to reassure me. More tears rolled down my face, thinking of what to say. I wiped my tears with my sleeve, put on the strongest face I could muster, and opened the door. When I did, she opened her eyes, and looked at me. I walked and bent down to her, tears forming in my eyes again. "H-hey, Aunt May. W-w-what happened?" I stuttered out, smiling slightly. She looked at me. And shook her head. "I know what's happening to me Peter. I know I won't make it till morning." Tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. The back of my throat started to burn. I let out a choke as I started to bawl my eyes out. I held her hand and hid my face in her blanket. "No... no..... I can't lose you too." I looked up. Face wet from my waterfall of tears....

May's pov

I looked at my nephew. He sat next to me and held my hand tightly. His eyes met mine. I could tell that he heard the bad news. I already knew about the situation. They told me before I saw Peter. "I know I won't make it to tomorrow Peter," I said. As soon as I said that, my nephew began to cry harder. He cried just as much as when Ben died. Or Gwen. I was all he had left and now I was leaving him too. I can't help but have tears in my eyes as well. "No... no... I can't lose you too." He said. He looked up at me. I needed to say something. I didn't want him to be all alone."I know you're Spider-Man, Peter," I said. He looked up surprised. "What?" I smiled. "You think I wouldn't notice that every time my nephew disappears Spider-Man shows up?" I said. He let his tears rain down his face. "I'm proud of you... I just wanted you to know that..." I said. I can feel myself slipping. "I want you to know, nobody ever left you." I let go of his hands. My heart rate slowing, I'm losing grip. I pointed to his chest. "T-this might sound cheesy, but they a-are in your heart Peter!" My vision is starting to blur. "I love you.... my little spiderling..." I said as I cupped his cheek. I breathed my last breath, I looked at him. He was crying even harder that before. I closed my eyes. I headed to the light that I had seem for a very long time now. Goodbye... Peter....

Peter's pov

No...No! Not again. This can't be happening again! Why? Why is it that everyone I care about dies! What did I ever do to deserve this? I put my hands on my face as my breath stuttered. "Aunt May!" I screamed. The nurses pushed me out of the room. I wanter to keep fighting, but right now I was too weak from the loss. I fell to the floor as I cried uncontrollably. I didn't even care who was watching. This is it...I'm all alone now. No friends. No family. Just me. I'm all alone this time. I can't run to anybody. Aunt may.... why did you have leave me? I curled up and pulled my knees to my chest. I put my head down and cried myself to sleep. I thought today was the end of the storm but, it was only the calm before the storm. The storm that took the last good thing in my life. My aunt May and my home.

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