Awkward meeting.

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I recognize most of the people in the room. There, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America, the Winter Soldier, and the Falcon dude. But there's one person I don't recognize. He's wearing a black eye patch and in an all black suit (it looks very stylish btw). I just stare at everyone for a minute, then snap out of it when Mr. Stark nudges me. "Aren't ya gonna say hi kid?" He asks. I jump and straighten. "Oh, yea right that...hello. I'm Peter-man. I mean spider Parker...crap...I mean I'm spiderman. Nice to meet all of you cool" I whisper the last words, everyone just smiled."Hello." The eyepatch guy says. Then walks up and sits at the table. "Shall we begin?" He asks. I was confused, so I decided to ask "Begin what?" Everyone just looks at me for a second and then stars at Mr. Stark. "Don't tell me you forgot to tell him, Tony." Black Widow says, with irritation in her voice. "No I didn't. I just wanted it to be a surprise. Now, sit down kid." Me Stark gestured me to sit next to him. And I awkwardly made my way over.We sat there for a couple minutes, which was really awkward, even though it was nice and peaceful with no one talking, I didn't like the atmosphere, so I decided to break the silence. "Soooooo, why am I here?" I asked. "Happy Birthday, Spidey!" Mr. Stark said. I was confused. I thought my birthday was tomorrow. "Uh, isn't it tomorrow though?" I questioned. "Nope today. Can you not keep track of time or what?" The Falcon dude said."Oh sorry if I don't look at a calendar every day!" I said, venom dripping from my voice. Oops. They just stared at me. I slouched down a little seriously regretting it and went into full guilt mode. "I didn't mean that. I'm just in a mood today." I said. They stayed quiet for about a minute before the eyepatch dude spoke. "Well anyway, for your birthday, we are giving you the chance to join the Avengers! As a trainee of course." He said. That gave me quite the surprise and I jumped out of my seat. Wincing in pain right after because the cake made a painful striking sound across the floor. I put one of my hands to my ear and the other on my head, trying to ease the pain. "What's wrong?" Captain America asked, fully concerned. "Nothing, I just have a bad headache from standing so quickly," I said, trying to pull off the lie. "Are you sure you're okay? You seemed in pain earlier as well." Mr. Stark stated.Everything started to get blurry, I wobbled a little. Mr. Stark got out of his seat and kept me from falling over. "I think we should take a look at you kid, you don't seem to good." He then told Jarvis to do something and led me to his lab. I could hear more than just four feet, so I guessed some of the Avengers followed us. As soon as we got to the lab, he sat me down on a metal table. He told Jarvis to turn on the lights, and that hurt, even with my mask on. "I need you to take the mask off kid!" Mr. Stark said. I refused at first, but he gave that look that parents give you when you say no and they won't take it for an answer. So I sighed and slowly took it off. As soon as it went above my eyes I went haywire. I closed my eyes shut and screamed in pain from the burning light. "What's wrong with him, Tony?!" A voice yelled, which gave me even more pain, and I screamed more. "TURN OFF THE DAMN LIGHTS!!" I screamed at him. In total agony. Tony ran and flipped the switch, and I whimpered a little. I was trembling and holding my ears. Everyone who was there just stood in complete darkness. In total confusion.After a few minutes of silence and darkness, I could feel everyone's worry. I slowly go up off the table and told Tony he could turn the light back on a little. "Jarvis turn the lights on. A dim setting please." Mr. Stark told Jarvis and the light were on a tolerable brightness. I just stood there,  looking at the people who followed me. There was Black Widow, Falcon, and Captain America."Sorry about that. It happens sometimes..." I avert my eyes from them. They just look at me. Very much weirded out. "How often is sometimes?" Black Widow asked. "About 4-5 days each month. You just caught me on a bad day. Sorry." I apologized. This is awkward. Once again there was silence, and it was now a little too weird for me, so I decided to leave. "Is there any chance we can talk about this another time Mr .Stark?" I asked. He nodded and I headed out the door."Sorry again for the awkwardness." I said. "No problem kid, just make sure to tell us if you're in pain when we need you next time. I don't want you freaking out next time." He said, laughing. "Okay, well I'll see you later?" I said. Making it sound like a question. "Yea, sure kid, next time. He smiled, then went back inside.I went to the side of the building when suddenly my phone rang. It was Aunt May. Crap, I forgot to tell her I was leaving. "H-hey Aunt May. W-what's up?"  I stuttered. "PETER BENJAMIN PARKER!WHERE ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH ARE YOU? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE GOING OUT?" She yelled, startling me. "I know, I know I'm sorry, I'll be back as soon as possible. Can you please scold me when I'm home instead?" I ask. "HURRY YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW!" She yelled and then hang up the phone. Geez, she was scary mad. I jumped off the tower swinging home as fast as I could.

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