Chapter 5: Oh My God Did I Actually Bruise The Greek Gods Arm!

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Reece's POV

"Where are you man" I sighed walking around the corner into the alley. I looked at the small bruise on my arm from where Elena punch my arm a couple days ago.

"I'm right here" Emilio said

"What's the problem?" I asked

"Well... Mr. Parker there's a problem with a couple of your men" he sighed

Damnit! Ok so I'm in a gang, ok no I wouldn't exactly call it a gang, just some of us committing a few crimes here and there. But I'm supposed to be watching a couple of them. I'm not gonna lie they've killed people. They kill the witnesses even though I've asked them not to. "Who?"

"Um Walker and Marshall" he said

"Damnit!" I frowned "ok just take care of it. Don't kill them either"

He nodded and walked off

Elena's POV

I was walking to Audrey's house when I seen Reece walked to the house too. I looked down and knocked. Audrey opened the door and let me in "ok so I was talking to Lauren and she'll be back in a couple days" I said

"Good I kinda miss her" she smiled "oh and we got an A on our project"

I pumped my fist "yes!"

Reece opened her bedroom door "Hey Audrey, can you lend me your charger?"

"Sure" she handed it to him "make sure to give it back"

He nodded and looked at me "oh and Lena... I'll get you back for my arm"

I looked at the bruise "oh my god did I actually bruise the Greek gods arm!"

He nodded "I find that name... sexy" he winked and shut the door

"How the hell do you live with him?" I asked

"Easy. I usually have my bedroom door locked" she said

"Dinner!" Mrs. Parker yelled

We walked downstairs. Audrey and her mother took a seat next to each other which mean I have to sit next to Reece... great.

Reece sat next to me "so mom where's dad?"

"He's at work" she said "he had a meeting"

"Oh" he said and took a bite of his food

"So Elena, how's school?" She asked

"Great" I smiled

"And Caleb? I haven't seen him since you said that Reece might bash your head in with a board" she smiled looking at Reece

"What?" Reece looked at me

"Well I did bruise your arm" I muttered "but Caleb is doing good. He won't shut up about football"

"Either will Reece" Audrey sighed "it's always football this or football that. Nobody cares!"

Reece's laughed a little bit "oh Audrey"

I looked at my phone "shoot I have to be home on 10"

Reece looked at me "need a ride?"

"Nah... maybe" I sighed. Knowing if I'm late my dad would flip the fuck out.

The car ride was silent. I stepped out "thank you... you don't realize how big of a help you were" I looked down

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Oh yeah" I smiled "bye Charming"

"Bye Princess" he smirked and left

I was lucky that I was there on time... thanks to Reece Parker

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