Chapter 58: Well That Looked Like It Hurt

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Elena's POV

I sat down and stared at my lunch. "When's the last time you talked to Audrey?" Lauren asked

I shrugged "Before the break up"

They all shared looks then I heard her mouth "She's here!"

My eyes widen "shit"

Audrey and I made eye contact and she squealed "Elena!"

I jumped out of my seat and hugged her "Are you mad?"

"No... I understand" she pulled away

We sat down "He doesn't sit here, right?"

They shook their heads

I sunk in my seat and guess who walked over.

Come on just guess

Sophie and her whores

I forced a smile "Hi Sophie, what lovely shade of slut are you wearing today?"

"You're just upset you walked in on me and Reece making out" she fake pouted "not that I can complain any"

Audrey's head snapped at me "He kissed her!"

I slowly nodded and stood up "Honey I don't care anymore"

"Then why do you have bags under your eyes and why do you look like your about to cry?" She asked with a bitchy smile

"Well... Sophie you know what, I don't have to explain myself to you. You've won! Don't you see! You got him, you took him!" I growled "So leave me the hell alone!" The cafeteria was watching us at this point.

"Oh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" she giggled

I stepped closer "It surprises me you even got to Senior year"

"Whys that?" She smirked

"Because you're an idiot. Haven't you heard the saying 'blow minds not guys'?" I asked

She just laughed "I'm the idiot?"

"Yeah you are!" I yelled "All this time you've been trying to take Reece! Well congrats you did! A-And guess what you hurt someone in the process. Well I'll make sure to greet you at the gates of hell because trust me you ain't no angel"

She stared "Well at least I don't look like a demonic pig"

I laughed at her 'insult' "Do you own a mirror?" I paused "and Reece picked this 'demonic pig' over you"

"Well that may be true but he still made out with me while he was with this demonic pig so don't think any less of me"

"Pfft too late" I laughed

"Listen here and listen real good! I don't like your attitude Elena. You need to snap out of your bitchy mood and bow down because I'm at a higher power than you"

I slowly looked at the group "did you hear that?"

They all stood up nodding "I think she just called me... a peasant"

"Yes I did"

"Well this peasant was able to sleep with Reece before you did" I smirked

Audrey laughed "oh come on she hasn't even slept with him yet!"

I laughed "Seriously?"

She nodded then we looked at Sophie "whatever he still chose me"

"Permission? Permission right now!" I clenched my fists

"Permission denied Lena" Caleb sighed "You aren't getting suspended"

I grabbed a chair and launched it across some tables screaming "Oh damn that could've easily been her face!"

Caleb sighed "thank god it wasn't or you'd be in prison for murder"

I grabbed her by the strings of her hoodie and pulled her closer "Leave. Now."

I seen the fear in her face as she pulled away "You're crazy"

"Maybe so but there's explanations to why people are crazy" I smirked and turned around

"Would Neil raping you have something to do with that?" She asked

I stopped and looked at Caleb. A tear fell down my face then I felt a hand on my shoulder "Permission granted"

I turned around and socked her in the nose. She stumbled backwards and hit the floor. I smirked "Well that looked like it hurt"

Kayne chuckled "I'm glad I gave her permission"

I then turned towards the table and they stared when my tears came out like Niagara Falls. I walked out of the cafeteria and hit a hard chest. I slowly looked up at Reece and he stared. I rolled my eyes and Kayne ran out of the cafeteria "Are you ok?"

"She's a bitch! I mean what the hell was her problem!" I screamed

"It wasn't right ok? I mean first she talked shit about you and Reece then Neil raping you... but let's talk about that punch and the 'Well that looked like it hurt'! Are your knuckles ok? I mean that was badass!" Kayne said not realizing Reece was standing in the very same hallway we were in "I wasn't gonna step in but then she said that... someone had to grant you permission. Then telling the whole cafeteria that her and Reece made out while you two were together. But your comment killed me and you're not a demonic pig!"

I laughed a bit "Breathe!"

He took a breath "But that punch! I'm pretty sure I seen the blood coming out of her nose on impact!"

I smiled "good... now I wanna go home"

"Dylan and I are skipping anyway, wanna come?" He asked

"Duh" I said

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