Chapter 8: Jeez We Sound Like We're In A Relationship

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Reece's POV

I watched as she slowly fell asleep in my arms. I feel bad for her, she doesn't deserve this. She flinched and jumped which made me jump. She opened her eyes "What time is it?"

"You've only been asleep for 5 minutes" I laughed a little bit "now sleep, you look terrible"

"Thanks charming" she rolled her eyes "you're not that bad"

"Yeah yeah" I smiled and she fell back asleep. Poor girl

Elena's POV

I sat up and looked at Reece, who was still sleeping. I touched my jaw and hissed "ouch!"

Reece opened his eyes just as his phone went off "oh my god, Audrey"

She walked in with a smile "did you like the picture"

He stared at her then at me then back at her "I mean"

"So you did?" She asked

"What picture?" I asked

She showed me her phone. It was a pic of me sleeping on Reece's chest "Audrey!"

"What it's cute?" She laughed


I rode to school with Audrey and Reece. Reece kept looking back at me to make sure I was ok "Lena you're not going back there"

"What about my stuff?" I asked

He thought for a second "I'll go with you"

I took a lot of makeup to cover up my bruise, I looked down at my hands "you don't have to"

"But I am" he said without hesitation

We stopped in the parking lot and I got out. I was walking to the doors when Reece stopped me. Audrey already went in...

"Lena you need to be careful and don't mess up the makeup covering up your bruise. That'll cause a lot of problems" he said

I nodded

He hugged me "I'm sorry this happened to you" he let go and we walked into the school

"Don't worry I won't bug you here" I said quietly

"Why would I be worried about that?" He asked looking down at me

"Because you're always with your friends so I didn't wanna like embarrass you by talking to you" I whispered

He stopped and put his hands in both of my shoulders looking me in the eye. Well he had to look down because I'm short. He sighed "Lena you would never embarrass me. If they don't like you then they're no friends of mine"

"Jeez we sound like we're in a relationship" I laughed

He laughed a little bit "oh my god we do"

We began walking to first period which I have with him and Caleb. I sat in the middle of them and took some notes. Caleb kept poking my cheek "Caleb stop before I stab your ass"

He laughed and poked me again. I slammed my pencil into his hand and he jumped up "ouch!"

Reece laughed and Caleb shot him a glare "watch yourself Parker"

"Ok Morris, we both know you won't do anything" Reece laughed

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