Chapter 39: Is That A Threat?

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Reece's POV

"Kayne shut up" I scolded

"I just wanna play!" He screamed and tackled Trent

Trent flipped him off and got up. Trent started making some weird shapes with his hands then made his fingers do a walking guy then his other hand shot him. Kayne looked at me "is that a threat?"

"Probably" I nodded and laughed

Trent walked out of the room and I sat down at the computer. I typed in the prisons name, I felt a sharp pain in my arm "Jesus!" I hissed

"Dude you gotta get that checked out" Kayne sighed

I shook my head "No, my priority is finding Dylan. Plus the hospital will ask to many questions"

"Dude you were fucking shot!" Kayne yelled

"I'll be ok" I assured "I just need to rewrap it"

"And you need to tell Lena" he sighed

"I know but I didn't want to. Last time I talked to her I just wanted to hear her voice. I didn't wanna worry her" I said typing in other information

"You're on a mission in another country. You're going to save your friend who was kidnapped by a really dangerous guy but oh well nothing to worry about there!" He practically screamed

I stared at him "Are you done?"

He nodded "yes I am"

My phone went off and I picked it up "hello?"

"Hey bro!" Audrey yelled as I put her on speaker

"Jesus Audrey do you have to yell?" I asked

I heard Kayne chuckled behind me

"I just wanted to tell you that you have 3 days before you NEED to be home. You promised Elena you'd be home Tuesday so you better be" she said "Plus I miss Kayne, we also have an appointment Thursday to find out how far along I am"

Kayne smiled and took the phone "don't worry babe I'll be there. Even if I have to leave Dylan here"

I glared at him "we are not leaving Dylan here"

The whole gang walked in. Yes I'm calling it a gang now. "Boss sir, we need to get going"

I nodded and looked at Kayne "I love you sis"

"I love you too bro! I love you Kayne!" She said

"I love you too baby" he hung up

Trent walked in and grabbed his gun. I grabbed the knife and handed it to Kayne "You know what to do"

He nodded "Let's get this show on the road"

Dylan's POV

"Let me out shit brains!" I yelled

"Shut the hell up!" The guard yelled "before I put a bullet in your skull"

I pouted "before I put a bullet in your skull" I mocked in a kid voice

He glared at me and I smirked "Dylan Black nice to meet you"

"I said shut up" he growled

"Yeah but... I don't wanna" I laughed "Do you think they deliver pizza here?"

His vein was popping out of his forehead "shut the fuck up!"

"Is that a yes?" I asked "I would really love pizza right now"

The door opened and in came a girl. I looked at them and at her "I didn't know I was getting a cell mate!" I jumped up and down "she's so cute"

She looked at me and stared "Dude are you high?"

"Ugh I wish but no" I frowned

She laughed then looked at the guard "let me out!"

"Yeah what she said!" I yelled

"Oh god now there's two of them" the guard said in misery

I smirked "wanna make him mad?"

She nodded and we started screaming. He looked at us "Shut up! Both of you!"

We laughed "Hey about my question earlier, do they order pizza to this location?"

"Yeah I want pizza too!" She yelled

"Yeah!" I yelled

He left and stomped out. I laughed "I'm Dylan by the way"

"Alyssa" she smiled

"So why are you here?" I asked

"My dad was a leader of a gang. He got my whole family including himself killed. I have a brother but I don't know where he is. I know he's in a gang in America though. They took me because apparently I'm hot, well now I'm here in hell" she sighed "you?"

"Oh... well I'm here because I hit their leader in the face. I'm just waiting for my gang to get here but I don't think it's happening" I sighed "honestly I hope they don't, I mean Kayne has a baby on the way and Reece has Lena... and you don't know who they are"

She shook her head "I'm sure they'll come"

Suddenly the door opened again and in came Kayne.... wait a minute "Kayne!"

"Hey dude!" He hugged me "if you ever get yourself kidnapped again Reece and I will cut your back off!"

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