Chapter 16: That Girl Was Me!

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Elena's POV

Ever since the attack the other night Reece's been stuck to my side like glue. I can tell he's scared, he knows something I don't. I cuddled into his arms and looked up at him. He's sleeping, his sharp jawline and his perfect lips. Get ahold of yourself Elena! I mentally slap myself

I dug my face into his shirt. Damn he smells good. I can't sleep so I just stared at him

He opened his eyes "what are you doing up?"

"Can't sleep" I sighed "you know what I just noticed"

"What?" He yawned

"You're a player, why haven't you brought any girls home?" I asked

"Well I've been busy plus who's gonna keep an eye on you" he stuck his bottom lip out and pouted "but no need to complain, I still gotta cute girl in my bed" I've been in his room since he's protecting me. I was gonna start sleeping in Audrey's room but we decided against it.

I frowned and hit his chest "gee thanks douche spit"

"Um ok" he rolled over

"Hey no" I tried to roll him back over. I ended up falling on top of him "Reece"

He looked at me in the corner of his eye "What"

"Turn over" I sighed "you're warm"

He chuckled and turned over putting his arms around me "it isn't even cold"

"For you maybe" I mumbled

He pulled the blanket over us and yawned "night Princess"

"Night Charming" I smiled and closed me eyes


"Stop" I groaned at Lauren and Caleb

"Why" Lauren sighed

Caleb threw the blueberry at me "make me"

I stood up and marched to the other side of the table "I warned you" I pulled his chair out from under him

Reece and Kayne sat next to me after I sat down. Reece scrolled through his Instagram. Kayne looked at us "who's going to the club with us?"

"I want to" I smiled

Lauren shook her head "can't"

Audrey also shook her head "I have plans"

Kayne looked at her "with who?"

"Oh Lauren's cousin is coming back to town so I'm gonna spend time with Lauren" she said

"Wait what!" I panicked

Reece looked at me "you ok?"

"No I am not ok!" I growled "Lauren why didn't you tell me!"

"Because you'd react like this" she smiled "Dylan went to get her"

"Wait she's coming here today?" I asked hoping she'd say no

"Yep" she said eating her apple.

My breathing got heavier. Let me tell you something about Madison Beaty. She's a real bitch. She moved 6 months ago and she's best friends with Sophie. Great life's great again. Sarcasm, that was definitely sarcasm.

Reece put his hand on my shoulder "Lena?"

"No no no" my memory rushed back to the day I decided that I hated her with a passion. What she did is unforgivable.

Reece grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the cafeteria "what's wrong"

"M-Madison Beaty is coming back" I cried

"Hey didn't she lock a girl in a shed for like a week for calling her a slut?" He asked

"That girl was me!" I snapped

"Oh dear god" he hugged me "why is everyone against you Princess?"

"Does it look like I know" I sighed "Reece" I began laughing "her and Sophie are both in love with you!" I pulled away and stepped back

He stared "why me" he whined

"Look at you! You're hot!" I swung my hand over my mouth

He smirked "I'm hot?"

"No" I said "you're ugly"

He moved closer and put his lips to my ear "I think I'm hot too"

I shoved him away and laughed

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