Chapter 53: Tape Dispenser Boy

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Elena's POV

So I gave into Reece so he's currently laying next to me. I stared up at his face and smiled. This sexy beast is mine

"I'm a sexy beast?" He asked

My face turnt red from embarrassment "Did I say that out loud?"

He nodded

"Oh damn, no more compliments for you" I smiled turning to my other side

He chuckled and put his arm around my waist "Shut up, you know that's not true"

I smiled "Just go to sleep Charming"

He kissed the back of my head "Can you promise me something?"

I turned my head "hm"

"Promise me no matter what... you'll always keep that beautiful on your face" he said

"Why do I need to promise that?" I asked and sat up

"Just say it" he chuckled "I don't wanna see that smile fade. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a smile like yours"

I rolled my eyes "Sleep"

He pulled me back to his chest. Soon I heard his soft snores then the darkness engulfed me


"Hey Luke?" I walked downstairs

He looked up at me and shoved cereal in his mouth "yes?"

"For one no talking with your mouth full. For two your friend called earlier and said since you're in town he wants to hang out" I sighed

He nodded then Reece walked by "Babe I gotta go"

"Where? It's noon!" I frowned

He kissed my head "you know where"!

"Oh" I smiled and pecked his lips "just hurry"

He nodded and left

"I'm gonna go ahead and go to my friends to hang out" he made the word hang sound... weird

Reece's POV

"Yo Sam!" Kayne yelled as we walked in

Dylan slapped Kayne upside the head and I laughed. Kayne glared at me "Don't test me"

I poked his face "Aw what are you gonna do?" I continued to poke his face and Dylan barked out in laughter

"Hey lover boy" someone chuckled

"Hey tape dispenser boy" I smirked at him. This is the guy Lena knocked out with a tape dispenser.

He smiled "She's got an arm on her"

I smiled "she does"

"Attention!" Sam yelled over the Gang. We all turned our attention to him. "Our big guy is back in town for a little bit and he came to pay is a visit"

I raised an eyebrow

"Come on Luke" Sam said and Luke walked up next to him

I slowly looked at Kayne and Dylan. They both stared at me then we looked back at Luke who's eyes were on me... fuck

We quickly shoved through people trying to leave. A hand wrapped around me arm and pulled me aside "you're in a gang!"

"Luke I am this gang" I chuckled

Kayne nodded "he's not wrong. It's like without him Henry wouldn't be dead"

"You killed Henry" Luke looked at me with wide eyes

I nodded "Your sister was a huge help"

"Yeah until she was thrown over a table" Dylan muttered, I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Wait... my sisters involved!" He panicked

"Dude she's fine" I sighed "I've killed everyone that's hurt her"

"You should feel grateful, Reece was against killing until the day he seen Elena in the Alley. He knew he'd have to change his rules" Kayne said

Luke stayed quiet

"Luke I love your sister. I didn't want her involved in this, with me. But she forced her way in and broke my walls. Elena is something special and no matter how much shit she's been through her light still hasn't burned out and I'm so grateful for that" I sighed "Yeah I get it, once you find out about everything that's happened you'll wanna kill me but just remember I'm the only reason she's alive"

"What do you mean" He raised an eyebrow

"The day in the alley. I wasn't gonna tell her about the gang, hell this was about a 3 weeks before we started dating. Anyway she wasn't supposed to be there but she was. When I heard her scream, I had a bad feeling. I ran to where to scream and seen the gun pressed to her head. I did the only thing I could. The guy had her on the ground and she couldn't move. I was terrified" I admitted "I knew he was gonna pull the trigger so I tackled him off of her and beat him senseless"

"My sister... almost died" he whispered

"There's more" I sighed "3 weeks ago she was kidnapped, she was gone for 10 days. Now the guy was gonna sell her and thanks to Ethan we got there first. The moment she was in my arms I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Then when we sent her home with Trent. We fought that game then I tortured Chris for what he did to her" I paused "I love her Luke"

He nodded "I know. Just watch her while I'm gone. I'll be back soon but for now she's under your watch"

I nodded "we better get back home"

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