Chapter 31: Oh My Charming

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Elena's POV

I ate my cereal "I don't know"

"Well you better know" Reece walked by grabbing his phone "because on Monday I have to leave early and I won't be at school"

"Fine I'll catch a ride with Caleb" I said taking a bite of my captain crunch

He nodded "k, I'm gonna watch a movie"

I jumped up and ran in the living room "I wanna watch a movie"

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked

"Hmm what about Thor?" I asked

He nodded then I heard ran hit the windows. I looked at Reece and he laughed "wow you really are scared of storms huh?"

I nodded "mmhm"

He put his arm on around my shoulder "don't worry I won't let the wind hurt you"

I rolled my eyes and smack his arm. His phone went off And he answered it "Yeah... um I don't know? Why?"

"Who is it?" I asked and he shushed me. I crossed my arms.

"Yeah she's with me. Why?" He asked and I could tell he was getting upset

"Reece who is it" I sighed

"Elena can you shut for a god damn second?" He said harshly

I jumped off the couch

"Thank you" he frowned "now what?"

"Fine I'll go" I frowned and walked out the front door. Before I shut it I heard Reece say he had to go. I sprinted down the road in the pouring ran

"Elena!" I heard him yell

I ignored him but eventually I felt an arm wrap around my waist "Lena stop"

"Let go Reece" I growled

"I'm sorry I yelled" he admitted

"No, let me go" I cried

He put me down and looked me in the eye "you're going to get sick"

"Don't pretend like you care" I crossed my arms

"Lena I'm not pretending" he shook his head

"Why? Why do you care so much?" I asked

"Because Elena... I'm in love with you" he cried "Damn in so in love with you"

I stared "W-What?"

"Lena do you know how many times I've stopped myself from kissing you? Every time I hold you I just wanna hold you forever. I stare into your eyes and time stops. I've never felt this way and it scares me. I really don't wanna hurt you. I love you Elena"

My heart stopped "Reece"

"You don't have to say it back... you just needed to know" he began to turn around

"No Reece... I am in love with you" I whispered and he turned back around to face me

"You are?" He asked

I nodded "I am"

He cupped my chin and crashed him lips on to mine. I felt the sparks through my body. My legs went numb. I put my hands around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. I pulled him down and our kiss deepened. He ran one hand through my hair and I put my legs around his waist. He picked me up and pretty much the whole time back to his house we made out. We stopped to breathe when we got to his porch. He sat me down and pressed his lips on mine again then pulled away. I shook my head "no... I'm not done yet"

I stood on my tippy toes and took him by surprise when I kissed him again. He put his hands on my jaw and I could feel him smile against my lips. He opened the front door and he backed up inside the house. We continued to kiss. I have this burning passion in my chest "Reece... I- I want you all the way"

He pulled away and looked at me "Lena..."

"I can't help it" I looked down

"I just don't wanna do this if you don't want to" he whispered

"No no I want to" I whispered

He pressed his lips on to mine again carrying me upstairs. He locked his door and gently sat me on his bed "Princess I'm gonna ask you one more time"

"Oh my Charming shut up" I frowned "just kiss me"

He did as I said then I took off his black v-neck t-shirt. I put my hands on his abs "whoa" I giggled against his lips. He chuckled and and I took off my shirt. He's kinda shaking a little bit. Oh my god is he nervous?

He quickly pulled away "Lena"

"Reece shh" I put my finger on his lips.

He bit his lip and looked at me "I'm kinda..."

"Nervous?" I asked

He nodded "oh yeah I am"

I put my hands on his head and pulled him down. He kissed my neck then bit it. I moaned and he looked at me again "Len"

I covered his mouth with my hand "Say my name again, I dare you"

He chuckled then went back to kissing my neck. He took off my shorts. I unbuttoned his jeans and put my fingers on the hem of his boxers. His breath got heavy against my neck and I put my hand on his chest. I felt his heart beating rapidly. He looked me in the eye "I love you Princess"

"I love you too Charming" I smiled

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