Chapter 57: I-I Didn't Know There Were Sides

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Elena's POV

I shoved ice cream in my mouth and cried "B-But why does she let him die! Share the fucking door Rose!" I screamed and threw the spoon "You idiot!"

Lauren walked in "Lena get your ass up. It's been a week"

"Yeah... just the love of my life cheated on me with my enemy" I cried then Dylan walked in behind her. I've been staying at Lauren's since I left Reece's. I left everything but my phone and money.

"Lena please" Dylan sighed

"Fine" I frowned

"You're going to school tomorrow" Lauren said and opened the curtains

I hissed "my eyes!"

"And you're not saying no. You're behind on your assignments" she sighed

"Am not! Dylan brings them to me" I sighed "isn't that right?"

"Not anymore I don't" he said sitting beside me "Lena he feels terrible"

"That's it out! Dylan I don't wanna hear about him" I growled

"Alright sorry" he looked down "just try to smile"

I forced a smile "happy?"

He shook his head "a nice genuine smile"

I sighed "I can't" I laid down "Can I be alone?"

"No!" They both yelled

"Yes!" I yelled back "I can't do this right now. But Lauren I'll go to school"

Caleb ran in "I got the cupcakes!"

"Yay" I cheered and he gave them to me. I hugged him "thank you"

He hugged back "anytime E"

I began eating the cupcakes one by one... in less than a minute half the cupcakes were gone and I was getting weird looks from all them "What?" I shrugged

"She agreed on going to school" Lauren said looking at Caleb

I started crying "I miss Char!"

"Oh right" Caleb ran out of the house and ran back in with my puppy! He ran up to me and licked my face

"Char!" I screamed and hugged him "How'd you get him"

"Easy Re- Boy gave him to me to give to you" Caleb smiled

"Alright out! I'm tired" I said yawning

They all shuffled out leaving me alone


I walked into school, I was getting weird stares from everyone as I walked by "Can you stop staring!" I yelled and everyone looked away "Thank you!"

"Damn Lena" Caleb chuckled a bit

"Well they're annoying me" I pouted

"Lena they just looked at you" he sighed

"Yeah and their faces annoyed me" I growled "let's go" I dragged him to first period. I was engulfed into a hug "h-hey Kayne"

"Lena damn I was worried! You didn't pick up your phone and Lauren wouldn't let me come over... I though you were dead! You disappeared, for a week!" He looked at me and took a breath "But you look terrible"

I smacked his arm "Hey!"

He chuckled "sit down"

I sat next to Caleb and he stiffened when someone walked into the room. I didn't bother looking, I already knew who it was. I sighed "Caleb calm"

He sighed then looked at me "Still tired?"

I nodded "oh and Kayne comment made it so much better" I said loudly earning a small chuckled from Kayne

"Anytime Lena" he chuckled from behind me

I turned around and looked at him "I know I look and Kayne but hey! She let him die" I wiped a tear away

Caleb sighed "She's been watching Titanic all week"

"Well am I right or am I right!" I looked at Caleb then at Kayne

"Right about what?" Kayne raised an eyebrow

"Oh right. That she should've shared the fucking door! He froze to death because of her selfishness!"

"Lena they couldn't share it... it would've sunk" Kayne sighed

"Not if they took turns" I frowned "Who's side are you on?"

"I-I didn't know there were sides" Kayne looked at Caleb

"Welcome to the world I've been living for he last week" Caleb chuckled "I'm just glad I don't live at Lauren's"

"And to think I was gonna share my cupcakes with you" I shook my head with a small grin

Caleb's eyes widen "Hey that was close to a real smile! She hasn't smiled all week!"

My grin faded "Fuck you Morris"

He laughed and I rolled my eyes sitting back in my seat. I'm proud of myself, Reece was sitting right next to Kayne and I didn't look at him one. I should get a metal for that!

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