Chapter 23: Damn Straight

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Reece's POV

"He raped me" she whispered. I couldn't move, I could barely process this. He raped Princess...

"H-He what" my heart stopped and I couldn't breathe

"W-Well it was at a party not long before I met you" she said looking down "I hate myself for not being strong enough. What he did is unforgivable"

"Damn straight!" I growled "Nobody hurts you and gets away with it"

She continued to cry "I'm gonna take you home but first we need to go back to cafeteria"

She looked at me "W-What"

"Don't worry" I whispered and helped her up. We intertwined our fingers and walked into the cafeteria. I stopped her from walking any closer to Neil. I jerked him out of his seat and dragged him into the hallway. I slammed him into the wall "Why the hell did you touch her in a way like that!"

"Aww did little 'princess' finally admit that she enjoyed it?" He laughed then Kayne and Dylan appeared

"Don't ever fucking say that about her. Do you realize what you've done. You hurt her, its permanent. Never changing. When she looks back that's what she'll see" I growled

"Good, my dick is very lovely" he smirked

I saw red. I slammed him on the floor and started punching him. I could hear Elena crying and the boys calming her down. I picked him up again and slammed against the wall "We aren't finished yet Fields. Boys take him to the hangout"

They did so and I looked at Elena "let's go"

She slowly walked my way. I picked her up and carried her to the car "Lena I've never killed before but... don't think less of me but that might change"

She didn't say anything the whole car ride. I guess she's still trying to calm herself down. I walked inside and my mom looked at us "what are you doing home so early?"

I shook my head signaling Elena. My mom looked at me "is she ok?"

"No, but I'll take care of her" I whispered as I took her upstairs.

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