Chapter 11: But Then I Seen The Gun And You

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Reece's POV

My heart dropped "M-Mark" he's one of the guys that kills the witnesses.

"She's a witness" he growled "Parker she has to die"

"Reece?" She whispered and looked at me. Her eyes widen when she sees me.

"Mark let her go" I ordered

He put the gun closer to her head and I could see the tears in her eyes "I don't think I wanna"

"I don't wanna explain to my sister why her friend is dead" I crossed my arms "plus she didn't do anything wrong"

"So if you didn't have a sister I could kill her" he smirked "we could arrange that"

"Not only did just piss me off but you also threatened two people that are important to me" I growled "let her the fuck go!"

He just chuckled now pushing the gun to her temple "Reece she'll tell people" he finger brushed the trigger

"I said let her go damnit!" I screamed

"I ain't going down this man. I already know if I let her go you'll kill me so why don't I make it worth it" I could tell he was about to pull the trigger. I tackled him and as soon as I did the gun went off. It hit a couple inches from her head. I began punching him over and over again

"I told you to let her go!" Reece yelled

Kayne pulled me off "Check on her. We'll take care of him"

I tried ripping out of his grip "I'm gonna kill him!"

"She needs you Reece. Look at her she's still trying to process what just happened" Kayne said "when she comes back to reality she needs someone she trusts with her"

"Just let go" I said calmly. He did as I said and I began walking her way "Dick" I kicked him in the rib. I kneeled down and looked at her "Princess?"

She was shaking and she couldn't get a word out. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my car. She then started crying, I feel terrible. She looked at me "R-Reece"

I could see the fear in her eyes. I went to wipe a tear off her cheek but she flinched "T-That guy... the guy that we passed on the way to the car. The dead guy, d-did you shoot him?"

"Hell no" I said "I don't hurt people unless they give a reason and even then I wouldn't kill them but then I seen the gun and you... I seen red, I wanted to kill him and I would've"

"Why?" She asked "it's just me"

"Yeah but I've grown close to you Lena, you're not like the other girls. Why do you think I have no friends that are girls?" I asked

She shook her head "I-I don't know. I thought you hated me"

I slammed on the brakes "why would you think that?"

"Because you're Reece Parker. Everyone is scared of you. Look at you! You're like a Greek god who is extremely hot. It's just at school you would give me cold glares" she looked down

I put my finger on her chin "Lena I could never hate you. I have a bad reputation that I hold but don't ever think that I hate you. I mean who else would punch me in the arm and bruise it, stand up to Sophie, tell me what happened with their dad, and who else would I laugh at" I paused "you've become one of my best friends within a week, you my friend are special. No other person, no, no other girl has ever been my friend until there was you. Every girl just wanted money, popularity, or to get in my pants"

She looked down "well... I'm glad you don't hate me"

"So I'm a hot Greek god?" I smirked

"Shut up Reece" her cheeks got red

I smiled "let's go get your stuff"

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