Chapter 61: Call An Ambulance!

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Elena's POV

I hesitated for a few minutes "Lena please"

I shook my head "Tell Caleb that I love him and tell Dylan I love him... Tell Kayne he's a pretty good guy and if he hurts Audrey then I'll haunt him for the rest of his life"

I put the blade against my wrist when I heard yelling from downstairs. More louder banging hit the door. Many people screaming my name. Eventually the door came off the hinges as I cut... arms wrapped around me and I started screaming "let go! I wanna die!"

"No! I'm not letting you do this" I could tell it was Reece... even through the tears and sadness in his voice. I reached for the blade and he tightened his grip pulling me out of the bathroom. He fell back against the wall in the hallway holding me to his chest "Why?"

I didn't answer

"Reece" Lauren whispered and we looked at her. The blade had blood on it and so did the floor. He pulled away from me and grabbed my wrist... blood

He started breathing heavily before he took his shirt off and put it on my wrist to stop the bleeding. I slowly fell against the wall feeling dizzy "Call an ambulance!" Reece screamed "Come on don't leave me"

My vision was getting blurry "I-I can't"

"You can't what?" He asked

"I can't stay. I have to go" I whispered

Reece's POV

"I can't stay. I have to go" she whispered

"No you don't" I said as a tear fell down my cheek "stay"

She slightly shook her head

"I didn't kiss her Lena... I swear" I cried "I'd never to that to you"

Her eyes began to close "No stay with me princess... you aren't leaving me"

"Reece..." she whispered as her eyes closed and her body went motionless...

I screamed in horror as I took in what was happening. I checked her pulse, it was faint. I heard the sirens and the door swung open. I stared at her as if it was the last time I'd see her gorgeous face, her long black hair... if only I could see her beautiful blue eyes.

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