Chapter 69: What Makes You Think It's A Girl?

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Elena's POV

Everything went back to normal. Audrey's due date is any day now and we have a month of school left. Then we graduate, yay! Now that right there wasn't sarcasm!

I sighed and rolled over "Wake up!"

He smiled softly "morning beautiful"

I rolled my eyes and got up. I stretched then my eyes caught a glimpse of the scar on my wrist. I held my wrist and sighed "It's been 3 months and it still feels like it happened yesterday"

He hugged me from the back and kissed me cheek "It's barely noticeable"

"Then why do I see it every time I look down?"

"Because you know it's there" he whispered softly into my ear "But eventually it'll fade"

"I hope so" I sighed and turned around "I love you Charming"

"I love you too pri-" he was cut off

"Oh my god!" Kayne screamed "I'm gonna pass out!"

We ran out to see Audrey and Kayne. Kayne looked like he was about to puke and Audrey looked like she was in pain. "Get me to the fucking hospital now!" She snapped at Kayne

"Ok ok" he sighed "Geez"

She smiled at me "my water broke"

I looked up at Reece who's eyes were bulging out of his face. I grabbed his hand and we ran downstairs. After we texted everyone we left to go to the hospital.


I clicked my tongue and looked at everyone "So... how long do you think it'll take to push her out?"

"What makes you think it's a girl?" Lauren asked

"It's obvious" I frowned

Reece sat beside me and handed me a coffee "Nurse told me she's half way dilated"

I nodded then looked at Alyssa "How have you been?"

"Great actually" she smiled and Dylan wrapped his arm around her.

"Babe" Reece whispered

I turned my head "yeah?"

"I'm hoping eventually this is where we'll be but instead we'll be the ones taking the baby home" he smiled

I pecked his lips and smiled "I hope so too"

About a couple hours later she was rushed to the delivery room. Reece tapped his foot in the floor. Charlie, Lauren, Caleb, Dylan, Alyssa and Reece's parents where now here. Everyone's eager to see the baby. Audrey already said me and Reece are the first to meet the baby... well after her parents of course.

Kayne ran out jumping up and down with tears streaming down his face "She did it!"

We all jumped up cheering and squealing.

"It's a girl!" He yelled

I smirked and looked at Lauren. She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

After Reece's parents got to meet her it was out turn. I looked at Reece "nervous?"

"Nervous? No. Terrified? Yes" he chuckled

We opened the door and Audrey smiled "Hey"

Reece smiled "Hey"

She handed the baby to him "Her name is Jordyn Rose Harrison"

Reece's face went soft "You remembered?"

She nodded "You think I'd forget?"

"Forget what?" I asked

"When we were younger Audrey and I were inseparable. One day we were in our treehouse making cards for moms birthday. Well we began discussing names... now remember we were 12. Anyway we both loved the name Jordyn. Well we agreed the first kid that one of us had no matter what the gender was would be named Jordyn.... I honestly didn't think I'd happen" he smiled at the small baby in his arms "It suits her perfectly" I quickly got a picture of his smiling at Jordyn. Hey don't judge me, it's a super hot, muscular, built guy holding this tiny baby!

"It really does" Kayne smiled putting arm on Reece's shoulder.

Reece handed the baby to me and I smiled at her "Oh my god she's perfect"

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