Chapter 35: Wait... No No No

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Reece's POV

"Look man she didn't do anything" I said "she's innocent"

"Shut up Parker" Henry growled and put the gun against her head "say goodbye"

Elena took a deep breath "I love you Charming"

"No don't!" I yelled and tackled him away from her just as the gun went off. I quickly looked at her to make sure the bullet didn't hit her. She looked at me and I took in a breath of relief. I looked at Henry. The clubs pretty much cleared out now, they all freaked out after the gun went off. No they freaked out at the sight of the gun. I put my gun to his head "Kayne get Elena out of the room"

Kayne picked her up and took her out "Henry no one hurts her and lives. See you in hell" I pulled the trigger and I looked at his lifeless body "clean this up"

I ran outside and Elena jumped in my arms "are you ok? Are you hurt? Did he touch you?"

"No I'm fine" she said against my chest

"Sam I told you I didn't want her going in there" I said

"But she did it" he sighed

"Yeah but she almost died!" I yelled and I could feel her sniffle into my chest. I pulled away and put my thumb on her chin "it's ok Princess"

She looked up at me and smiled "I love you"

"I love you too" I pressed my lips on her and pulled away "which reminds me. We're going home"

She looked down at her clothes "oh my Charming"

I smirked and grabbed her hand. I got her to my motorcycle "hold on tight babe"

She just smiled and wrapped her arms around me. We took off, I drove home to see Audrey on the porch "What's up?" I asked

I took off my sweatshirt and put it on Elena. I turned my attention back to Audrey "I'm scared"

"Audrey what happened?" I asked

She shook her head "I'm sorry" she pulled out 3 positive pregnancy tests. My eyes widen "it's Kayne's"

"Wait... no no no" I stepped back catching my breath "you're not..."

"Yes I am Reece" she whispered

Elena took my hand and hugged me "Don't worry Audrey we'll be with you every step of the way"

"Yeah we will and you need to tell Kayne" I said and hugged her "you'll be a great mother... what about mom and dad?"

"Mom knows" she said

I nodded "How was School?"

"Terrible" she frowned "I'm going to Kayne's"

I hugged her goodbye and she left "wow" I sighed "I'm gonna be an uncle"

Elena smiled then my mom walked out "Elena I didn't know you were into modeling"

I looked at Lena "Modeling?"

"Yeah I applied for a modeling job and I totally forgot about it" she laughed

"Well this came in the mail" mom handed it to her

She opened it "oh I got the job but I don't start for a year because that's when their model is leaving plus I want some time to myself after we graduate"

"That's weird" I laughed

"Shut up Reece you're gonna be a model too" my mom blurted

"You are!?" Elena looked at me

"I'm considering it" I sighed "I'd be a hot model"

"Duh" Elena blurted

I laughed and shook my head "They told me I start after high school but for a few years I stay right here in Miami doing shoots"

She smiled "I'm excited"

"Me too" I kissed her head

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