Chapter 25: What Exactly Are You Proposing?

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Reece's POV

I slowly opened the front door "Lena?"

She walked into the kitchen "yeah?"

"I need to talk to you" I said quietly

"About?" She walked closer

"He didn't use anything, no protection. He said... you might be pregnant" I whispered

"I can assure you that I'm not pregnant" she said

"Well... can you check?" I asked handing her a box "Please"

She nodded and went to the bathroom. Audrey hugged me when I went into the living room "I have a question"

"Of course you do" I chuckled "what is it?"

"Do you like Lena. Like date her kinda like?" She asked

Do I like Lena? "I mean she's beyond gorgeous. When she blushes her dimples show. And just hearing her laugh makes me happy. When she smiles I just wanna kiss...." I looked at Audrey

She had a huge smile spread across her face "You like Elena"

I sat down "Shut up"

"But you do!" She squealed "You're both screaming 'kiss me' to each other... obviously in your minds. But when you walk into a room her eyes sparkle"

I looked up at her

"And so do yours" she smiled "you two were made for each other"

"Reece?" Elena stepped into the living room looking at me

"Audrey can you go?" I asked and she nodded walking away. I heard the front door close. She sat next to me "So?"

She shook her head "I told you I wasn't pregnant"

I hugged her "I just wanted to make sure"

She hugged back "What'd you do to him?" she pulled away

I didn't say anything, I looked down. She grabbed my chin and faced me towards her "you killed him, didn't you?"

I slowly nodded. She looked down "I'm sorry"

"For what?" I asked

"For... everything. I'm a terrible person" she began to cry

"No you're not. Elena Adams don't ever say that again" I frowned "you're an amazing person"

She looked up at me "I am?" 

"Of course you are" I smiled "Listen, go get dressed and meet me down here in 45 minutes. We have a party to go to and when that's done I'm taking you to get chocolate because you look like you need some"

She smiled "Ok that's a good deal" She began to walk away "or we don't go to the party"

"What exactly are you proposing?" I asked

"I'm just saying we go get chocolate and we can watch a movie. We don't have to go to the party... I know you wanted to" she said

"Actually that sounds a hell of a lot better than the party" I smiled "Let's go"


"Oh gummy bears" she smiled and looked at me

"Get whatever you want" I smile back

"In that case" She grinned "I want ice cream, chocolate, strawberries, gummy bears, and gummy worms"

"Ok let's get all of that... just don't get diabetes" I said as we went to the candy aisle. We got everything she wanted and went to the cashier. She ran back to get ice cream and I seen Rodger so I went to talk to him.

He glared at me "by any chance have you seen Neil Fields?"

"Um no" I said

"So that's a yes" he rolled his eyes

"Ok fine but I... killed him" I sighed

He nodded then looked at something behind me. I turned to follow his gaze... Lena "she's a beauty. It'd be a shame if something happened to her"

"Is that a threat" I growled

"You bet your ass it is" he walked away

She came up beside me "who was that?"

"Rodger" I mumbled

"He looks like an ass" she laughed

"Oh trust me he is" I said

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