Chapter 28: Wow Charming

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Elena's POV

"Ok fine" I sighed

"Well when I was 14 I was accepted in a dancing program. I still came to school of course but that only lasted a year. My mom and dad were having small problems. My brother Luke and I would have to watch my 4 year old sister Carly. Well one night we were in the car and my dad was drinking. My mom kept telling him to stop the car but he wouldn't. We went off the road and that's all I remember. They told me the next morning that Carly died on impact, my mom had a concussion, my brother was in a coma for 2 weeks and the bone in my leg was snapped in half. My dad however was perfectly fine, the accident ended my dancing career. I was 15 at the time... I had Schools asking me to join. After my brother woke up my mom went straight home and packed her stuff then left. My brother was half way through college but was back for summer. He offered to stay with me but I wasn't gonna let him throw his life away. I told him to go and he did. A few months later I began street fighting once my leg was healed. I was actually a pro at it. I didn't tell anyone of course, it's how I got money. I again got hurt because someone got mad because I beat them so they tried to kill me. Well I stayed to myself for a while then I went to a party a few months ago" I'm already crying "I met Neil, he... raped me. I then wanted everything to be over. I got depressed, locked myself in my room. Caleb and Lauren didn't even know what was going on. They stuck with me through it all not even knowing what happened. About a month ago, I met Reece and Audrey. Audrey and I got close but one night after I got into a fight with my dad he punched me. I ran to Audrey's home hoping she was there. Reece answered the door, Audrey wasn't there but I couldn't go home. Reece let me talk to him about it. He didn't want me to go back home. But one day I had to grab my stuff and I packed it. When I went downstairs my dad grabbed my wrist and tried pulling me upstairs. Reece came in and my dad let go, I fell down the stairs landing on a glass table. Some glass cut me and some went into my back... my life's been hell guys" I wiped a tear away

They all stared. Reece didn't know about half the shit that just escaped my mouth. He didn't know what to say "I know I'm broken. But honestly... it made me stronger"

Reece pulled me into a hug. I felt something something wet hit my neck. I slowly pulled away and looked at him. He too was crying. He shook his head "T-That shouldn't have happened to you"

"I can't control it" I whispered turning my head to everyone else who was still staring. Even Dylan was in shock, he's like a brother to me.

I grabbed Reece's hand and pulled him outside the cafeteria. I wiped a tear away "Reece"

"No" he whispered "just please I can't hear anything else right now. Everything that's happened to you is because of him. Even Neil is because of him"

I looked down. He's right, my father is the reason I can't dance anymore, my baby sisters dead, my mom left, I did street fighting, he's the reason I went to that party. I wanted to get away from him so I went... he's the reason I was raped

I covered my mouth and began sobbing. He pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault I'm a burden" I whispered

"Elena Adams! You my love, are a burden" he said

"Love?" I giggled in his ear

"Shut up" he laughed "but seriously you're not"

"Then why'd my mom leave? My brother won't come home. I haven't seen him since my mom left so I practically lost my whole family" I said

He pulled away "But in the process you gained one" he pulled me to the doors of the cafeteria and pointed at our table "those people right there are your family. Even Kayne, I've had talks with Kayne and he thinks of you as his sister. Everyone at that table cares about and loves you Lena" he paused "You're not alone anymore. And you never will be, we'll always be beside you. Damn even if you manage piss me off I'll always come back. You are loved and cared about by so many people princess. You mean a lot to us"

I stared up at him "Wow Charming"

"I'm not lying either" he smiled

I just hugged him... honestly I feel a lot safer in his arms.

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