Chapter 24: Wow Elena Adams Is A Biter

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Elena's POV

"Reece?" I look up at him

"Hmm" he hummed

"Are we... like friends again?" I asked

He looked at me "Princess... I know I wouldn't be able to stay away from you. Of course we're friends again and I'm starting to realize that no matter what I do, it won't change. The only way to protect you is to be with you"

I didn't say anything. Instead I snatched the remote from him "I'm watching Fuller House"

"No you're not" he tried to snatch it back but I bit his hand "did you... just bite me?"

I nodded "I'll do it again too"

He stared "Wow Elena Adams is a biter"

I smirked "you know it"

He tried to grab the remote again but with my super skills I tackled him off the couch. I landed on top of him and laughed "I-I actually got you in the floor"

"I bet I could get you in the bed" he wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

I rolled my eyes "I bet I can get you in... I don't really know"

"Don't worry Adams, I'm a good kisser. One kiss... one kiss and you'll be in love with me" he whispered in my ear

I smacked his arm "yeah ok"

"Wanna see?" He teased

"No" I rolled my eyes

"Oh about that party" he said

I frowned "I am not going" she sighed "plus who has a party on Wednesday night?

"I get it Lena but I'll be with you the whole time... just think about it" he said with trust in his eyes "and I know right? Wednesday night"

"K, you'll be beside me at all times?" I asked for clarification. We stood up and looked at each other

"Yes" he smiled "I won't leave your side"

"Fine I'll go" I sighed

He hugged me "you don't have to if you don't want to"

"I said I'll go" I pulled away "it'll be ok "

He looked at me then Audrey walked in "What the hell happened to you today!"

"I just don't like him" I shrugged and crossed my arms, I looked at the floor "he's a bad guy"

Reece put his hand on my shoulder "go get ready"

"Ready for what?" Audrey asked

"She's going to the party with me" he said "now get ready, I have to go"

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I have to take care of something" he said and walked out of the house.

Reece's POV

I drove to the hang out and ran inside "where's the bastard at?"

"Basement" Kayne said as he walked by "why are you pissed?"

"Because I am" I mumbled as I walked to the basement door "Tonight at the party, you guys keep an eye on Lena at all times"

Dylan and Kayne nodded and I opened the door. I walked down the stairs and the group looked at me. I call it group but I guess everyone says Gang. They wanna sound cool but I hate the word gang when it involves me. I looked at them "leave" they were gone in seconds. I turned my attention to Neil "Why'd you do it?"

"Because she's hot" he said

"That's not a good enough fucking reason!" I yelled "She didn't deserve it!"

"Well does it look like I care? If I want something I get it. And I wanted her so I got her" he chuckled "she obviously wanted it"

"You're not the one who had to watch her cry" I cried "Damn I couldn't do anything to fix it either. No matter how much I wanted to help I couldn't"

"What's your problem? One minute you're 'Reece the cold hearted prick' then with her you're all 'Reece, protector of Elena' well I'm sick of it" he spat

"I don't care if you're sick of it" I growled

"Are you willing to give up the friendship we've had our whole lives for a girl you've known for what? A month?" He asked in a bitchy way.

"Yeah I am. She didn't deserve that. Even if it wasn't her and it was a different girl I still wouldn't look at you the same" I said "But Elena... damn you can't.... she's too precious. You can't go around raping people, it's not right. Now when Lena told me that you did that to her I wanted to kill you and I would've. I didn't care who was watching... except her. I don't want her to witness death like I have. Now what you've done is something that I'll never forgive" I said

"Well I know you won't kill me because you're against it" he smirked

"Oh but when it come to Elena no one hurts her and lives" I looked him in the eye "I know I said I would never kill anyone but I guess that's something that has to change"

"Well since I'm gonna die I might as well tell you something. Her screams were music to my ears" he chuckled "Oh I didn't use a condom so she might be pregnant"

My heart skipped a beat "What"

"Well it's been around fourish months so I'd check" he smirked "When was her last period?"

I closed my eyes and breathed through my nose "Even if she is... I wouldn't care if was yours, I'd treat it like it was my own. Elena would be a great mother"

"Are you guys like a thing?" He laughed

"No but she's family now" I said "and whoever hurts my family" I picked up my gun "gets what they deserve" I shot him in the leg and he screamed out in pain "Now your screams are music to my ears. Never in a million years did I think you of all people were capable of rape"

"I'm not the only one after her" he laughed "other guys want her to"

"Who" I furrowed my eyebrows

"I ain't telling you that. You'll find out eventually and if I were you I'd keep her close" he smirked "I'm not the only one that wanted to fuck her"

I raised my gun and shot him in the head. I didn't feel anything, no emotions. I just watched the blood ooze out of his head.

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