Chapter 1: The Return

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I'm running and behind me are six-hundred werewolves following me. I should be terrified, but I am trying really hard not to burst out laughing. Here am I, and there they are, six-hundred of the king's best men trailing behind me panting while I haven't broken a sweat.
I decide to let myself get captured and I want to see the look on their faces when they see me break out. So, I stop, pretending to look weak as I raise my hands up in the air in mock surrender.

"Put your hands up and follow me." One of the soldiers said, clearly the captain of this squad.

"My hands are already up." I say innocently.

"Just shut up and follow me." He replies.

Well he's not in a good mood I think with a smile on my face.


They put me in a silver cage that is sprinkled with holy water and has a lining of iron and salt because they don't know what I am. I haven't removed my hood yet because I am waiting for the king so I can surprise him.

3 years I think silently I've been gone. Not that anybody really cares, I muse, I had no friends, no family, just a fiancee that died because of me. Not that anybody knew I had a fiancee, to them I was just a mystery girl, a girl of no kingdoms, because they don't know what I am. But that's okay because I know what I am. I also know that I can never tell them.

"The King of Werewolves, King Damien
Augustus Valentine is coming to see you in 5 minutes." A man announced interrupting me from my thoughts.

"How does that matter? I'm in a cell and I don't even know what time it is."
I say ever so sarcastically.
The man turns and speaks
I hear the door fling open, the hinges threatening to come off, and a very attractive king comes in yelling

This is not good.

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