Chapter 6: Market Deals

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I was the first to answer Damien's question
"We know each other...Because we are.. umm... or we were co-workers."

"Co-workers? What did you guys do?"

I look over to Nate who has an amused look on his face.
"We were swords makers. We made swords of silver and wolfsbane for hunters."

That's a lie. I think automatically. You and Nate were assassins. Well you still are an assassin just now you work on your own agenda. Not that anybody knows that of course.

"You made swords for hunters!" Damien looked furious.
"You helped kill my kind!" Damien yelled.
Finally, Nate speaks.
"Don't you dare speak to her that way! We were slaves that made swords for food and without those swords we would be dead! If you disrespect her again you can forget about the alliance and prepare for war!"

The entire room goes silent and I mouth a thank you to Nate who is fuming in his chair. Even though he lied, our past is a touchy subject for him.

I clear my throat at the awkward silence.
"So now that is cleared up, how about we do some thing."
"Like what?" Damien replies his expression neutral. I need to know what's going on in that head of his...
I focus my attention on his mind catching it like a fisherman would do with a fish and a net; and I capture his mind a technique I learned to use a long time ago.

How dare he touch her! She's mine!
The worst part is she trusts him more than she does me. I just hope she doesn't reject me, and that we can be mates and have pups and live happily ever after.

He's jealous and a romantic, he's secretly insecure and so cliché.

Nate clears his throat.
"So what have you decided?"
"What?" I say he interrupted my thoughts.
"What's our bonding activity?"Nate asks oblivious to what I am thinking.
"We are going to the market then to the beach."
Damien adds in
"Cause, I can kick butt at surfing and I need to go shopping for stuff."

Damien and Nate just look at each other and shrug.
We are officially at the market.
They have never been here because this is the official black market nobody but criminals know about.
Why did I take them here?
Well they have good deals and I wanted to show them a wilder side of Lux and well I just wanted to scare them.

"Why are we here?" Damien asks absentmindedly.
"Good Deals." I reply with a mischievous grin on my face. We wait in line so that we can get in. You have to be approved in.
"Why are we in line?"
I sigh.
"This is like a club only V.I.P's get in. Why are you scared?" I ask.
"No." . . Damien jaw clenches stubbornly as if trying to prove at point.
"Whatever." I reply.

"Who are you and why should I let you in?" I look up and see one of my friends Gage guarding the market. I remove my hood and grin wickedly and say
"Gag you don't remember me? My heart's breaking!"

"Oh my god!" He gives me a tight hug and lets me in but stops Damien and Nate. "I don't know them they look like goody two shoes." Gag I mean Gage complains.
"Just let them through Gag they're with me."
"Are you sure?"
"If you have problems with them tell me." He gives them "The Glare" and let's them thorough.
I roll my eyes and motion let's go and they follow me like little kids following their mommy and I am sure any minute they will be asking me to protect them.
"Are you guys okay?" I ask them trying not to laugh.
"No" They reply shakily.
I laugh no longer bothering to hold it in.
"Just follow me I have stuff to buy."
They trail behind me and stop when they see where I am going to go shop at. The store called 'Weapons&Stuff' it is decorated with skeletons and dangerous looking weapons warning the people who like safety to stay away.

"I'm going to in here to take care of some business stay here." I say firmly and walk in.
"Scarlett what a pleasant surprise."
"Let's cut the chase here. I have 20,000 dollars I am going to give you for my weapons and for the info I need. Now you are going to put the weapons and the info in a large brief case we swap and this never happened. Got it?"

He hands me my briefcase and I hand him my money and leave the shop owner in the dark hoping I didn't make a mistake.

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