Chapter 32: Demons and Fathers

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"You're soul mates? Interesting." I said coldly. I wasn't going to let anyone know how much this was affecting me.

"Scarlett, she was my first mate." Obsidian began, but I stopped him.

"So here's the big question? Her or Me?" I asked him trying to sound indifferent, but I was cracking under the pressure of it all. Obsidian stood silent, unsure of his answer. Each second he didn't speak, felt like a year of torture.

"You. Scarlett. Always you." He answered back hesitantly.

"Why did you hesitate?" I questioned.

"No reason, I just had to think."

"Think? Was it really that hard of a question?"

"No. It's just-"

"Just what?"

Obsidian sighed."You don't understand, it's my human side, he loved her. I loved her. You don't know what it's like to pick between soul mates."

Apparently I don't understand what's like.

"Really? I don't know what's it like? I picked you over Damien in a second. Immediately. No hesitations."

"I didn't mean it like that it's just, that it's hard."

"I think we need a break." I said abruptly, tears threatening to flow, but I wouldn't let them, I couldn't. My pride was getting the best of me. I couldn't make him pick me over his first mate, I know from experience that you will always love your first mate. Always. And I didn't want that. I didn't want to share the space in his heart. I could never accept that some part of him will love Miranda. Maybe, in the future I could, but I needed space to think, and clear my head. I needed to figure out what I wanted. Who I wanted.

"Scarlett, no. Please no. Please don't do this." Obsidian said, his face painted in sadness. 

"I need time, Obsidian. To think, to reflect. I just need time. This break isn't forever, Obsidian." I reminded him, painfully aware of what I was doing. Pushing him towards my enemy.

"Wait let's talk about this. Don't be rash. We can work this out."

"This is my decision. A break. That's all." I said ending the conversation.

I turned to Miranda, who I could tell was plotting to get Obsidian back.

"Miranda." I called her name. I could feel her blue eyes piercing into me. Her ice blue eyes, cold and calculating.

"Yes Scarlett?"

"The throne is mine, and I want you to hand it over to me now. This is your only warning; give me back my kingdom and I will spare your life; if you choose not to give me my kingdom then I will kill you. Make your decision." I said menacingly.

"Okay. You can have the kingdom. But I want to live here." She said, looking at me with a smirk.

"Absolutely not." I replied back immediately.

"Is that because you're afraid I'll steal that little ex-boyfriend of yours?" She smiled and winked at Obsidian. Who was looking disgusted at the action. That made me smile slightly.

"No I'm not afraid of a spoiled rich princess like you, Miranda."

"Let me live here! Scarlett! It's my castle too!" Miranda yelled, she was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

"Not Anymore." I pointed out.

"Gabriel's alive!" She shouted. 


"Gabriel's alive and has been captured and is being tortured as he speak." Miranda said in a monotone voice. "There! You owe me now." She said proudly.

I attack her and slam her into the wall. My hand's around her neck, and I can feel anger pumping adrenaline into my veins, begging me to kill her. My mind and body are demanding that I kill and rip out her soul and take her to hell. I only see red. The crowd gasps in shock, as I tighten my grip on her neck.

"Where.Is.He?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Abbadon has him." Miranda chokes out.

I release her and watch as her body crumples to the ground. I unfold my black wings and run through a window and start to fly into the sunset.

Dad I'm coming to save you. I thought silently as I take off.

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