Chapter 16: Puzzle Pieces

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Obsidian's Point of View~~~

I launched myself on the couch and turned on the TV, the others followed my lead, Nate and Aubrey were cuddled together on the loveseat, and Amara was sitting next to Damien on the couch next to mine, while Ryan stood pacing back and front deep in thought. I missed Scarlett and she had only been gone for two minutes.

"Do you guys want to know something interesting?" Ryan asked us all. I turned off the TV and waited along with everyone else.

"What?" Amara asked curiously.

"Do you guys realize how powerful Scarlett is?" Ryan answered, deep in thought.

"How do you figure?" I asked him. I already knew Scarlett was powerful, I could tell, by the way she held her head high, her voice was filled with authority, something about her made everyone want to obey.

"Well, think about it. Her magic is being used at two places at once. Nobody has ever been able to do that, and the fact she transported herself from Lycos to here, nobody can transport that far. She took down 600 of my guards in seconds, she killed them then resurrected them, that's amazing. No one has been able to raise the dead, but she can. No one can control all the elements, but she can. It's like she can do anything and I think that's scary. I bet she can even read minds."

"She can resurrect the dead? How do you know?" Nate asked.

Ryan put on a grim face. "Because she resurrected your mother."

"What!?" Nate said shocked.

"Yeah she resurrected her. I was there. But then she killed her again." Ryan replied boredly.

"Why?" Damien asked, getting into the conversation.

"I don't know. One minute she's there, all alive again, then next minute I see Scarlett stab her in the heart." Ryan says.

"Liar." I say coming to Scarlett's defense. "Scarlett is a good person, she wouldn't do it unless she had a good reason." Nate suddenly looks pale, but nods at me.

"You're just saying that 'cause you love her, but here's some advice about Scarlett, at the end of the day, she's indifferent. You just a boy-toy she's gonna play with. That girl is nothing but a heart-breaker. Trust me. I saw her do it to my son." Ryan says, making me angry. He continues his speech. "I mean c'mon how much do we really know about her huh? All we know are the things she tells us. Isn't a little weird how she's always five steps ahead of the game. Truly, I tell Obsidian, you wanna save yourself, well get out of her life now."

"She is always five steps ahead of the game." Damien mused.

"What do you mean?" Nate asks.

"Okay, look she knew about Amara and me, she knew about my daughter, which not many people knew about, she knew about my conversation with Cole my second in command. I mean how does she know about these things. And... and that market she took us to. The scary-looking guy at the gate, who said we looked like goody-two shoes. Then that shop she took us to,you know the scary-looking one and came out with that briefcase. I mean what could she have bought besides weapons. Then before she changed into the dress, her outfit it made her look like some warrior." Damien finished looking a little spooked.

"Wait, hold up! A market with scary-looking guys and weapons. Oh Gosh." Ryan said looking scared.

"What do you mean 'Oh Gosh"?" I questioned.

"She took Damien and Nate to a black market." Ryan answered scared.

"Okay..." I responded not getting what he was saying.

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