Chapter 34: Found

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"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win."

-Stephen King

Scarlett's Point of View~~~


 My mind was a blank, as I closed my eyes, and tried to ignore the torturous screams of my father; who was in the cell next to me. A few hours later they stopped, and Abbadon walked out of the my Dad's cell, his hands and clothes covered in blood, that I knew wasn't his. He walked past me, and blew me a kiss, and headed into the kitchen where he would wash his hands, and then come into my cell and feed me a decent tasting meal, then he would have a conversation with me, or at least try to.

I had been here for too long, the minutes feel like years, and I had no sense of time, but I knew it had only really been a week.

"Dad?" I asked aloud, hoping my Dad was conscious enough to answer me, but there was no reply. I sank into the darkness, hoping to fade into the shadows and cease to be what I was and just become air, free and uncaring without any responsibilities. I sighed and ignored the feeling of uneasiness, that had settled in my stomach.

I wrestled with the handcuffs lined with hellstone, the one thing that turned my powers off, and my body weak. It was almost impossible to find, and it burned against my skin.

"Darling, I have lunch for you." Abbadon called out sweetly, he held a tray containing a rose, and a okay-looking meal. He unlocked the keys to my cell, with one hand while carrying the tray in the other. He took a seat next to me, and I wish I could move away from him, but the handcuffs chained me to the cold steel metal chair. "Hello." He said softly, taking a fork and feeding me. I stayed silent giving him no reply. He finished feeding me the meal, and leaned in, uncomfortably close for comfort. He kissed my forehead and sighed knowingly when I flinched away trying to ignore the tingling sensation and the sparks he left. After all this time, he was still my soul mate, and some part of me loves him. The thought disgusts me. He moved away, so I could breathe again.

"Want to know what my grandmother told me when I was going to ask you to marry me? I'm talking about the human one, not the demon one. She said 'Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.' I understood what she was saying. That I shouldn't try to 'imprison' you with marriage because you're too wild and free for marriage.But you know what? She's wrong. You're the perfect bird to imprison."

He paused thinking to himself before continuing.

"I noticed that you seem to lack the conversation skills you use to have. But don't worry I still love you! And after this I'll have you speaking again." He grinned mischievously, giving me that roguish grin I use to love. Abbadon, still grinning he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pocket knife, and if I remember correctly, the one I gave him on Christmas.

"Try not to scream, darling." He says as he presses the blade unto my skin.

Maddie's Point of View~~~

I was sitting on the cherry tree Scarlett and I sat on when we were kids. It's hard to believe we've known each other so long, and now she's missing and I have no clue where she is. Scarlett has always disappeared for periods of time, for whatever reason. But she always tells me where to find her when I need her, and always says goodbye. Not this time, when I need her the most I can't find her.

Scarlett has always been the one with the complicated love life, she has lived so many lives and it's hard to keep track of them all. She's told me about some of them, not all, I can tell she's always holding back. There's this secret that looms over her, that she hasn't told anyone that's haunting her, following her around, you can see it in her eyes. I never ask about it. I know not to. But still, the curiousity is killing me.

I look over to see Nate, his angelic features glowing in the sunlight looking perfect. I swoon involuntarily, every day he steals a little bit of my heart, and I'm so confused about how he does it when Trent is my soulmate. Trent. I still am so confused about him too, in the past he hurt me and Scarlett, by doing something stupid, like always. He's rude, and so arrogant and he's handsome and he knows it. But I know that he cares about me. My heart is torn between Nate, who I know has feelings for me, because he told me, or Trent who loves me because I'm his soulmate, and I think loves me even though he's never told me. I suppose Trent isn't the romantic type or the guy to reveal his feelings.

I hope Scarlett comes back soon, because right now, I'm so lost.

Michael's Point of View~~~

The fact Scarlett had been missing for three months, killed me. My soul, my mind, my body went into grief when she went flew off that day. I could feel her urgency to leave and save Gabriel, her father. I wanted to go with her, but I couldn't because she mind-linked me in secret to stay here and protect them; and not to reveal myself as a Fallen Angel. It took everything in me, to try to not listen to the command, but she used an angel command meaning I literally couldn't disobey. Now 3 months later, the command had worn off and now I could go after her.

I knew what I was doing was dangerous, but I loved her so much that I was willing to die for her. Even though she was with that werewolf, Obsidian or Jace or whatever his name is. I knew that in her heart she loved me too, because of the fact that unlike her previous soulmates I chose her. I walked quickly out the door and told Obsidian and Jay I was leaving, giving no explanation, though I doubt they care. I was halfway down the path to the forest where I could freely shift, when I was stopped by Trent, who grabbed me by the collar and dragged me to the house. Once he let me go and I was back where I started,then he said the most terrifying choice of words.

"I found her!"

The reason they were so terrifying, was because it meant Abbadon had let us find him, and he wanted a fight, one that without Scarlett, we wouldn't win.

Obsidian's Point of View~~~

Scarlett has been missing for three months. 

Everyone has been trying to track her down or at least pinpoint where she is, but it's not working. Jay paid the top three-hundred wizards to put a tracking spell on her by a black feather she left behind when she smashed through the window. But they haven't found anything. They say it's like she doesn't exist. The worst part is Miranda's not talking. Everyday I visit her cell to try to get information on where Scarlett is, but she's silent. Never speaking a word but every time I visit she has a smirk on her face, that worries me. Jay hasn't been sleeping. He wakes up every morning looking worse than he did when he went to bed, at the dinner table he always tries to mind-link Scarlett, but her mind-link is blocked off, I know because I try the same thing every day.

 Michael has been more closed off than usual, and it's strange. It feels like he's planning something but I don't know what, and I honestly haven't bothered asking. Whatever it is it must not be important enough for him to tell us.

"Guys," Michael called to us dressed in a tuxedo, "I'm leaving."

Jay, looked at Michael curiously, but then continued to stare at the maps in puzzlement. Aubrey and Amara were painting their nails indifferently, and while Maddie was sneaking glances at Nate, who was staring back at her with the same intensity that I stared at Scarlett. Trent was no where to be found and Ryan was sleeping on the couch, without a care in the world. This team was falling apart.

Michael was heading towards the door, eagerly, like he had somewhere to be, and headed out, to do God knows what. And sadly I stood here, getting no further than I had yesterday, I sighed incontently. Trent burst through the door without knocking, and had one hand dragging Michael's collar to the living room, the other holding a file in the air. Trent has a victorious grin on his face, like he won the lottery twice in a row.

"I found her!" He said, telling me the best news of my life.

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