Chapter 35: Fighting Monsters

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Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Scarlett's Point Of View~~~

I stopped counting the days when I lost consciousness for the first time, and when I realized Gabriel, my father was dead. Right now, time ceases to exist as I wait in this dark, lonely cell. I’m not sure. I am in the darkness. I should hate it, I should wish to be away from it, but there’s something about the darkness, the stillness of this hour, I think, that creates a language of its own. There’s a strange kind of freedom in the dark; a terrifying vulnerability we allow ourselves at exactly the wrong moment, tricked by the darkness into thinking it will keep our secrets. We forget that the blackness is not a blanket; we forget that the sun will soon rise. But in the moment, at least, we feel brave enough to say things we’d never say in the light. But for me, I haven't seen real light in ages, I have lived in the darkness. Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it. Abbadon doesn't visit me now, after he tortured me with a variety of weapons for a week, he left. Someone else feeds me my meals now, not that I mind. I hear the unlocking of a door, and am surprised to see it is Abbadon.

"Hi." He says looking nervous, innocent almost.

Too bad he's not innocent.

"Hello." I echo back to him.

"I wish to apologize." He says sounding sorry.

I almost roll my eyes but I resist the urge.

"For what?" I ask pretending to be clueless.

"For torturing you for a month."

"It was a week." I said confused.

"No it was a month."

I stay silent for a few seconds, looking into the eyes of the boy I once loved, and I feel numb. He is no longer the person I once knew. The scared tortured boy who was part demon. Who was scared of himself and his capabilities, who acted confident and tough but despite his hard exterior that he used to shield himself from the world he was taught to hate; he was so scared of everything good because he like other beings are scared of the unknown, and to him the light was unknown. The good was unknown. Love was unknown. He didn't realize slowly he was becoming human until I showed him. That he was good, that he was the unknown that he feared, that he wasn't the monster people said he was. But now things have changed.

He has become the thing that people had thought him to be.

 A monster.

I suppose it was bound to happen.

You hear something so many times, you're bound to believe it's true.

Makes me wonder how much time I have left.

Until I become the very thing that I'm looking in the eyes,

until I tell everyone my secret and watch them move back in horror,

watch their eyes go wide with fear as they realize that all this time,

they slept under the same roof as me,

they ate with me,

they talked to me.

Watch as they the see the cracks in this mask I'm wearing.

Watch as they see what I truly am.

Something none of them saw coming.

That instead of running to help me,

they should have been running from me.

In fear, in hate of the very abomination I am.

As they realize why my own adopted mother called me a Monster.

Telling them my secret, would be there deaths.

And I mean that ever so literally.

I hear the door click and one of Abbaddon's henchmen enter, his brown eyes looked scared.

"Sir we have a problem."

Abbadon stops staring at me, and looks to the brown eyes who is looking at the ground.

"Speak." Abbadon commands.

"We have intruders."

Abbadon leaves immediately, and he forgets to give me my hellstone injection, meaning I'll have my powers back in...




I can feel my powers turning on, rushing to greet me like a old best friend. I smile smugly, as I bend the bars in my cell, enjoying having my super strength back again, finally, it's time for someone to escape.


Author's Note~~~

Guess what Scarlett's secret is...

This chapter is dedicated to someone who's comments on my chapters have been keeping me entertained and whose feedback I look forward to.

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