Chapter 44: Promises

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“Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.

"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.”

The Fault In Our Stars, John Green

Scarlett's Point of View


        I could feel madness of indecision taking me over, I felt alone. So alone. This bottle had led to many dark things, I told myself. The black plague, the witch trials, many people have died for the secrets this bottle held. People have died for the secrets that are in my head. Just don't touch it. I told myself, as I summoned it, as it came towards me, welcoming me. I flinched away from it. Every Angel, fallen, or not has that one thing, that brings him home. For many, it's their sword of honor, or their wings. It defines them. What would an angel be without his wings? Or without his sword? For many angels they would be nothing. Because their sword is apart of their identity and without it they wouldn't be themselves. Lucifier has a single white feather of his old wings, that he stows away in his desk.That he pulls out every single time, he steals a soul. The bottle is my identity. It has been the one thing that I could always come back to. The one thing that doesn't judge me, it just welcomes me. It's magical essence calls out to me, and begs me to closer. It's my sword, my weapon that can give me advice and help me think

        The origin of the bottle, and how it came to be magical is a mystery. The bottle itself is nothing more than a object, but the magical essence inside feels real and alive. I had the bottle at my darkest times, and at my best. But, the thing itself is dangerous. It's addicting. Any mortal seems to become enchanted with it. So enchanted that they can't stop. It started with Matthew. It ended with Reid. Both became extremely addicted and died of their addictions. They died because of me. I reached out to the bottle, and felt the soft warm sensation as let myself go. "What am I going to do?" I asked the bottle. It replied instantly. Flashes of images in my head. Knives. Hell. Lucifier. My soul. Abaddon falling to catch me. Lucifier coming. The prophecy began in my head.

n plain sight,

and with a great might,

an ruler can be found, 

she is gowned in power,

making all men cower.

She is a mystery,

she has much history.

She was born of darkness,

and of light.

She can harness any power,

and make all bow before her.

But beware, 

There is one who dares,

to let darkness takes its course.

The enemy is a force,

to be reckon with. 

It all started with a bottle,

that throttled,

it's victims.

The day will come with a dictum.

Birds will fly from heaven above,

to help the black morning dove.

Whose wings will be clipped,

because she left her footing slip.

The black morning dove put her guard down,

and the town fell down.

So now the black morning dove must fly,

or she will die.

She cannot be defeated by anyone,

but by only her own heart.

She is too smart,

to let the devil take her heart,

but he may.

If she clearly chooses to die for love.

Then it will be goodbye black morning dove.

        The answer came to me. My heart. Lucifier was going to try to take my heart. He won't get me. I said angrily as I gripped the bottle. I transported to the circle of the island. "Abbadon, come out! Come out you coward! I have your precious answer! If you want your soul you better come out!" Abbadon appeared, his green eyes met mine. "You have my answer?"

"I want my friends first." I stared at him, unemotional, and calm.

        He snapped his fingers, and everyone appeared. He looked at me. "I always keep my promises, darling." He caressed my cheek softly. I moved away from him, quickly.

"We both know that isn't true, darling." I said snapped, shooting him a dirty look to back off. He, looked for a minute hurt, but then his face became empty.

"Very well. My cure?" He asked me, still looking at me.

"I am going to rip out your heart." 

Author's Note: Tomorrow there will be a chapter in Matthew's point of view, the day he died. So excited to write it!

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