Chapter 33: Flashbacks

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Flying. It was the oddest sensation by far, to be in the sky zooming past and through the clouds made you feel invincible, as if there was nothing in the world you couldn't conquer. I think youth is a lot like that too. You feel young, and death feels so far away, and everything seems possible. That's because it is; the word impossible says I'm possible. Too long ago I was an angel, in heaven, and now I don't know what I am. Angel? Fallen Angel? I suppose I was everything. Angel, Fallen. I was everything. Serious, sarcastic, good, evil, confused of who I was, but at the same time aware of the fact that I was more. I was more that just an Fallen Angel, I was more than the mistakes I made, I was more than just the empty-shell of the girl I once was, but also I was painfully aware of the fact that I was broken. And I owe it all to Abbadon.

I never stood a chance against him.

Maybe it was be his green eyes, or his mischievous smile, or the fact that he was feared simply because of what he was. Just like me. I was drawn to him like a moth to flame. He was my first soul mate. No one can ever make me feel like he made me feel. My heart would always flutter and beat so fast that I thought it would explode out of my chest, my knees would go weak, and I would feel so alive around him. The world was suddenly so beautiful, and even in the darkness there was light. I would ask myself how a demon could make me feel this way. How could he be so human? How could he act so human? How could he smile and laugh and tell jokes. How could he be this dark-haired boy who takes naps in the sun, who likes coffee who throws someone a surprise birthday party, be a demon? The questions we ask yourselves are sometimes the ones we don't want answers to. Sadly, I got my answer. The easiest lies to believe are the ones we want to believe, sometimes the facts are slapping you in the face but you choose to ignore them for love. Even though some part of me saw it coming it still hurts.

Before him, I use to ask myself what it would feel like to have your heart broken. Years later I found out the answer. Heartbreak is lying on the bathroom floor, trying your hardest to breathe while at the same time wondering why it all went wrong, and why you were such a fool to ever believe anything he said, and wondering how you're going to get up and pretend everything is all right, and what are you going to about the hole in your chest. Moving on sounds easy but some of us died a thousand times in pain just to appreciate the phrase.

I feel myself getting closer to Abbadon's castle, when I'm struck on the head.

"Finally, my love we are together." I heard a dark, sinister voice say, then it all went dark.

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